83. Cuddling Rog Headcanons

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-Rog LOVES to cuddle so you will never have any issues trying to get yourself into his arms.

- Even in public while you two are sitting down somewhere, if Rog can get away with snuggling with you he will absolutely do it!

- When in private, Rog is already and always hanging all over you especially if you allow for it his big arms always wrapping around your waist as he pulls you close to his chest.

- Rog is usually the one to initiate the cuddling with his clingy tendencies, lifting you easily off the floor carrying you playfully to the bed, chair or sofa to lounge with you.

- Rog is full of bulky muscle but is ridiculously soft to lay against, there's truly not a tense muscle in this ellon's whole body if the time doesn't require it.

- Rog has a few favorite cuddling positions, but most importantly his least favorite way to cuddle with you is laying on you.

- He is a little over 7ft and pushing just over 230lbs making him massive, and easily able to crush you beneath him.

- "Arimelda have you seen me? If I lay on you, I will flatten you like you are a bug! That is an unacceptable request!"

- As always it is said with intense lightheartedness and humor as Rog is rarely ever serious.

- One of his favorite positions to cuddle with you is when you lay on top of his chest though!

- You are going to be so small compared to him, and him holding you like that comes easily to him. He will just rest his hands on your back rubbing sweetly while pressing soft kisses to your head and holding you close.

- His other and MOST favorite cuddling position is when you are his big spoon.

- Rog is so big and he already can't lay on your chest, so when you offer up to be his big spoon Rog is all for it.

- He loves for when you wrap your arm around him- as best as you can- and throw a leg over his waist, this is the best way to get him to wind and quiet down.

- Rog will quietly lay with you like this, pressing soft kisses to your hands and your arms loving that you are holding him.

Tolkien Elven Imagines and Headcanons Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now