Ch. 97 Completing the Misstion Pt. 3

Start from the beginning

I tilted my head to the side in confusion. They set two stands with water bottles hanging from them near the back of the stage. Neither of them had ever told me of a song that involved water bottles. I pulled Kakashi to one of the tables near the front and sat down. I linked with everyone in the Courts and quickly explained to them what was going on and asked them to just listen.

(I do not own the song above. KHS cover - Lewis Capaldi - Someone You Loved)

I was crying by the time they finished. I felt Kakashi wrap an arm around my shoulders. I cut the connection with everyone in the Courts. I got a fire message a few moments later. I grabbed it from out of the air in front of me.

It read, 'Tell them they are not alone. - M' I think they just might know that but still feel like they are completely and utterly alone. I understood that feeling very, very well. I wrote back telling Mor as much. I doubted it would do much to ease any worry she may feel about the whole situation.

I set the fire message from Mor on fire and let it reduce to ashes. It was better to do it now rather than later. I know it probably made me seem paranoid, but I would rather not be the reason someone I cared about got hurt.

I sighed and leaned into Kakashi's hug. It was comforting — more so than I thought it would be. I saw Rhysand and Tamlin sit down across from us at the table. No one spoke for a long while.

"Water bottles?" I asked.

"You always did say I could play anything," Rhysand remarked. I chuckled softly.

"Well, you can. I believe that just proves my point further, Bird Boy," I smirked.

"I suppose it does," he agreed. We fell into a comfortable silence for a while. A raven landed on the table next to me. It hopped a few times before stopping and staring at me. I offered the raven a hand for the bird to hop on to.

How are they? A female voice asked in my mind. I stared at the bird for a moment. Yes, I am the raven.

Am I going insane? I asked. I heard the voice laugh.

No. You're not. I have daemati powers like my dear brother, though I am not as worried about him as I am T, she said.

Rhysand is your brother? I demanded.

That is what I said, isn't it? She asked.

Aren't you supposed to be dead? I questioned.

That is what they have been led to believe. As you can see, I am not, she answered.

Can you shift to a different form? I asked.

My Fae form, she answered.

Name, I demanded.

Syn, she replied after a moment's hesitation.

"It's a tad different but I like it," I said aloud.

"And just what would that be?" Lucifer asked, sitting down next to Rhysand.

"Syn. I like it," I said with a small smile.

"Where did you learn that name?" Rhysand demanded.

"The bird said that that's her name," I replied, raising my hand.

"A bird has the same name as my sister?" Rhysand growled.

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