Ch. 93 A New Mission

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"As you can see, you were requested specifically for this mission. It must be completed as soon as possible. The three you see here have already agreed to help you during this mission, Miss Uzumaki, though only one knows the full details," Lord Hokage said.

"It's a bit... odd, Gramps. Why me specifically?" I asked, rolling up the scroll and returning it to Lord Third.

"That is not for me to answer. Will you do it?" He asked.

"Yes. I will," I answered.

"Good. Dismissed," Lord Third said. I bowed again and started toward the door. Kurenai grabbed my shoulder and pulled me around to face her.

"Kurenai?" I asked, shocked at her sudden movement.

"You realize what this mission entails?" She asked.

"I do. I'm guessing you were hoping I wouldn't take it, correct?" I questioned. Kurenai looked down.

"It's just..." she started.

"Odd?" I suggested. She nodded. I smiled softly and poked her forehead.

"R-Rin?" Kurenai stuttered.

"Trust me to get us through this, will you?" I asked, my smile genuine for a rare moment.

"Y-Yeah," Kurenai answered, blushing.

"You're cute when you blush, Miss Yuhi," I said. She blushed an even darker shade of red.

"Sh-shut up," Kurenai said, not meeting my gaze. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the Hokage's office.

"Meet us at the front gates in an hour, you two," I called to Asuma and Kakashi.

"Don't go overboard, Nohara," Kakashi called.

"I make no promises, Hatake!" I yelled.

"Rin-chan?" Kurenai asked.

"Yes, Miss Yuhi?" I questioned.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked.

"Well... You can't hold onto a grudge forever. The sooner you can move on, the better things may be for you," I answered.

"Oh. That makes sense," Kurenai said.

"We're gonna be going to a formal ball on the final night, yes?" I asked.

"We are," Kurenai said slowly.

"Perfect. I'm sure Asuma and Kakashi can get outfits on their own. I have a few dress up type things if you don't have anything yet," I said.

"You'd let me borrow one of your kimonos?!" Kurenai asked.

"I might let you keep it, too," I said.

"I couldn't!" Kurenai said.

"Sure, you could," I said.

"But—" Kurenai started to object.

"But nothing, Ku-chan," I cut in. "I'm giving you a kimono."

"I can't change your mind, can I?" She asked.

"Nope!" I answered.

"K-Ku-chan?" Kurenai asked, just realizing what I had called her.

"Mhm! That's what I'm calling you throughout this mission. Ku-chan!" I replied happily. Kurenai didn't say anything else as we walked to my house. It was the outskirts of the village like the Uchiha compound. I sighed sadly when I saw the place. One lone building near the tree line surrounding Konoha.

"Rin-chan?" Kurenai asked once we were inside.

"What is it?" I questioned.

"Back at the hospital..." she said softly.

"You want to know about the scars on my back," I said. Kurenai stared at me wide eyed and open mouthed. I took her chin between my thumb and forefinger and closed her mouth. I let go a moment later.

"Y-Yeah," Kurenai stuttered, looking at the ground. I turned around and tugged off my shirt.

"Pick one and I'll tell you about it," I said. Kurenai set her fingers on the last ones I wanted to talk about.

"There are three that look similar," Kurenai said softly.

"Those are some of the most recent," I said quietly, trying to force the pain to the back of my mind.

"S-Some?" Kurenai asked.

"Yeah. A little before I came back from Hel, Hera tortured me. She whipped my back until I passed out from the pain. Those scars are reminders of what happened down there," I answered.

"Why didn't anyone stop her?" She asked.

"People would only come to help me if I screamed. I didn't say a damn thing," I said tightly.

"But... you could've saved yourself from enduring so much pain," Kurenai said quietly.

"I didn't want to give her the satisfaction of hearing me scream, Kurenai," I muttered.

"Look at me," she demanded. I did as she asked. Kurenai pulled me into a tight hug. I stood frozen for a second before gently hugging her back.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"Trust is a two way street, Rin-chan," Kurenai said, her breath tickling my ear and making me shiver.

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered, gently pulling away. I felt a blush creeping up my neck. I started to pull my shirt back on when Kurenai poked my stomach. I stopped.

"Will you tell me about this one one day?" she asked. I looked at where she was pointing. My eyes widened a fraction as I was brought back to the Nine Tails attack for a moment.

"That is a story for another day, Ku-chan," I said softly.

"Okay," She agreed. I quickly finished pulling on my shirt and into my room to get the kimonos for me and Kurenai to wear on the last night of our mission as well as a few other necessities.

"Ready?" I asked Kurenai a few minutes later.

"Yeah," she answered, already pulling on her shoes. I sat down next to her and pulled on my shoes. We made it to the front gates in about ten minutes. We were still a bit early but Kakashi and Asuma were already there.

"Ready, you two?" Kakashi asked. We nodded.

"Mind filling us in while we go?" Asuma asked.

"In due time," I answered.

"Ma'am," Gemini said from behind me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Sagittarius seems... better because of you," she said.

"He has less to worry about. Now go back to him, okay?" I said.

"Of course, ma'am," Gemini said. Gemini disappeared a moment later.

"Let's go, you three," I said, walking out the gates. They followed suit. I didn't say anything until we were well outside the barrier. I slowed my pace until finally stopping near an isolated stretch of road off the main path very few ever remembered.

"Rin?" Kakashi asked.

"I will only go over this once, so please listen carefully. This mission has Kurenai and myself posing as secret lovers while the two of you are our fiancés. We are going to Kumo for this mission," I said.

"That's..." Kakashi started.

"I know it's not textbook but..." I said trailing off at the end, unsure of what to say.

"Just because it's a little different doesn't mean we shouldn't do it, right?" Kurenai asked.

"Right," I agreed.

"Let's go," Asuma said. Kakashi nodded his agreement.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

I also wanted to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day!

Anw... I hope you have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye guys!

Say Something (A Naruto Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora