Drama final part sequel to The Babysitter (Max)

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Request for NeganIsACat

A few weeks have past N Madison has been keeping in touch with Jamie as your another month along and your parents are watching Jamie and Gabriel for you and Max can have some alone time before you give birth to Elizabeth.

As the kids love your parents, and Max is looking forward to spending time alone together this weekend he is truly amazing Dad and husband you are happy you two got together and is building your guys family one by one, he is looking forward to you alone time tonight, he is cooking dinner, one of your favorite dinner. He has everything planned for you weekend alone together before your babygirl comes into the world in a few months time. You took the kids to your parents house right outside the City and you are heading back home to spend some time with your husband who has been there cooking you favorite dinner, then you two will relax together all weekend long.

You are happy Max hired you this year's ago and you two got together, married and had babies together, you knew he was your soulmate from the start and days like this just shows it, you two have made a home together with your two kids N one on the way, you know your family is number one priority as Max is happy you two got together and give Jamie some siblings in Gabriel and in the future Elizabeth. Max has been amazing dad N husband to your kids N you and you can't believe you two have been together this long but you wouldn't change anything about it you have been completely happy since you took the job as Jamie's babysitter all those years ago, you are looking forward to giving birth to your babygirl in a few months time but you two have decided to stop with three, you miss your body before you started having babies, you miss it and you know Max does too even if he likes you round with his babies. Max and you are going to be amazing parents to all your kids and he amazing husband and wife.

He has said you are his life besides the kids and he knows the feeling is mutual, it's you and kids N him and the kids against everything or everyone else in this world.

That's it for this one, Hope everyone likes it!

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