"Stay away from them! You monster!" Kushana yelled, blood covering her dress. Tears were streaming from her eyes.

"How could you?! You killed our team! Why are you still alive when they aren't?" Obito yelled.

"O-Obito... e-everyone," I whispered. I sucked in a breath when I remembered Ares had said the bottom of the library would show you your worst fears. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. When I opened my eyes again, a monstrous slug like created had replaced the bloody images of my team.

"So you figured it out, did you?" It asked.

"W-What are you?" I asked.

"The same creature that was in Rhysand's library for an eternity," it replied.

"You know Rhysand?" I asked.

"He imprisoned me there," it replied.

"Then... how did you get here?" I asked.

"I was killed during the last battle with Hyburn," it said.

"I didn't notice you fighting there," I whispered.

"You were preoccupied with that god you called your mother," it replied.

"She killed everyone that wasn't Fae," I whispered.

"She did. It's how I ended up down here," it said.

"We both ended up here because of her," I muttered, looking at my feet.

"She is not to be trusted. There is more she will do to harm you," it warned.

"When isn't there something she'd do to make me suffer?" I growled.

"You will prove her wrong." I looked to my right and saw a small figure whittling.

"Bone Carver?" I asked.

"So you know of me," he said.

"You are siblings. There is another of you isn't there?" I asked.

"You know of us?" A sultry voice asked.

"I've heard of you," I replied.

"Do you know our names?" The woman asked.

"Stryga and Koschei. You are also called the Weaver, Stryga," I said.

"How?" Stryga asked.

"I slipped into Rhysand's mind," I replied.

"He knew of us?" Stryga asked.

"He did. Though, he didn't know your names," I replied.

"Then how did you find them?" The Bone Carver asked.

"Rule 3. Never believe what you're told. Double check," I replied.

"You researched us?" Koschei asked.

"I did. I thought it better to be prepared than unknowing of a few that could be allies in the long run. I would hate to make enemies of you three," I said.

"Smart girl," the Bone Carver remarked.

"So it seems, little brother," Koschei muttered.

"Why us and not your buddies up there?" Stryga asked.

"Do you honestly believe I would trust any of the gods after what Hera did?" I asked in response.

"She brings up a good point, sister," the Bone Carver said.

"I will not ally myself with you just yet. What these two do is up to them," Koschei growled.

"I will do the same," Stryga said.

"As will I," The Bone Carver said.

"It is your choice to make," I said and turned to leave.

"What were you thinking in coming down here?" Leo asked.

"I don't need you to babysit me, Leo. If I really wanted your help, I would've asked. Now if you'll excuse me, I still have something to do. Have a good rest of your day," I growled and shoved my way past him.

"Be wary of who you trust," Koschei warned. I turned back and raised three fingers.

"Scouts honor, Koschei," I replied and continued on my way back up the library tower.


Hey everyone! I do not own anyone from the  A Court of Thorns and Roses series. They all belong to Sarah J. Maas.

I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving. Stay safe everyone!

Anw... Have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye guys!

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