"My weapons..." I whispered.

"They were taken after you fainted," Ares said.

"Great," I growled and reached for my shoe. I pulled out the senbon needle I kept hidden in my shoe and put it in my mouth like a toothpick.

"Why keep a hidden weapon?" He asked.

"Rule 9," I replied.

"Which is?" He questioned.

"Always carry a knife," I said.

"Why did you create these rules?" Ares asked.

"Everyone needs a code they can live by," I replied.

"Not many here have that," he said softly.

"I'm well aware," I said.

"Here is our library," he said, stopping before a set of gigantic heavy oak wood doors. He pushed them open with little effort and stepped to the side, allowing me to go in first.

"Holy shit," I muttered almost as soon as I stepped past the threshold.

"Bigger than you are used to?" He asked.

"You have no idea," I whispered. The library was massive and spiraled down into a seemingly endless depth.

"I am surprised you do not have one like this," Ares said softly.

"How far does it go?" I asked, staring into the darkness.

"Not far enough," He said coldly.

"There's something down there... something you're scared of," I said.

"There is. It is my wish you never see it," he said.

"Rule 28," I said.

"Hm?" Ares hummed.

"When you need help, ask," I replied.

"That could be used as advice, don't you think?" Lucifer asked.

"Y-Yes, sir," I stuttered.

"You are still afraid of me, hm?" He asked.

"W-Who wouldn't b-be?" I asked.

"Him," Lucifer replied nonchalantly.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing," Ares said, mocking offense.

"You are aware of why she passed out?" Lucifer asked.

"I am," Ares replied.

"Mortals can't survive in Hel's atmosphere," I whispered.

"You are correct, my dear," Ares said.

"Who told you of this?" Lucifer asked.

"Hera," I replied.

"So you are that brat she spoke of." I didn't even bother turning around.

"You are one of Rhysand's," I said.

"I do not obey him," the voice said.

"Why stay in his court then, mister?" I asked.

"I have been with the Fae for a long while," he replied.

"You are not just Fae," I said.

"You can tell, hm?" He asked.

"You feel similar to Ares," I replied.

"How so?" He asked.

"There's something... different about you. I can't really explain it but you aren't simply High Fae and you're not a god like Hera. You don't act like a mortal either. You wouldn't be here if you were a giant because of the atmosphere being poisonous to you. You reminded me of Mor actually," I replied.

"I suppose that would be understandable. She is my daughter after all," he replied.

"She never mentioned you. Though, I don't suppose that should be surprising," I remarked.

"I believe I deserved that. You are correct in thinking Mor and I don't have a good relationship. Though, keeping secrets seems to have made it worse," he said.

"Zodiac. That's what was different about you. It's what you keep from her as well, isn't it?" I asked.

"It is," he replied.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Leo," he replied.

"So you're the lion. The leader of the Zodiac," I drawled and breathed out a chuckle.

"I never thought a human could find humor in this place," Leo remarked.

"You really think I'll ever find laughter in a place like this?" I asked, leaning into the banister.

"You don't believe you will?" He asked.

"I don't think you can ever really find happiness when you're a prisoner, Leo," I replied.

"I suppose not," he said.


Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Rhysand, Mor, and everyone in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series belongs to Sarah J. Maas!

The Zodiac will come into play more later on as the story progresses so please bear with me on them.

Anw... I hope you have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye guys!

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