Ch. 57 Battle and Homeward

Start from the beginning

"Hello, child," Hera said softly.

"Hera?" I asked, tensing up.

"I'm not here for you. I'm here for Hyburn's soldiers. They are to be my slaves for the rest of time," she said confidently.

"You made a deal with the King?" I asked incredulously.

"I did. Now call your men off," she ordered. I reached out with my mind and told everyone I could to stop the slaughter and showed them the memory of killing the King if they tried to argue. After another few minutes, all the fighting had ceased.

"Why?" I asked, exhausted.

"So you wouldn't have to continue this slaughter. I bet everything on you winning, you know," Hera said proudly.

"So now you're proud?" I asked, my eyes getting heavier and heavier by the second.

"I've always been proud of you," she said softly.

"Don't forget Rule 45, mother. Clean up the mess you make," I said, succumbing to sleep.

"Don't forget to be human, Rin." I jolted awake after hearing that. I was in the tent back at camp again. I shook my head to clear it and slowly got out of bed. I stretched my arms over my head and felt a satisfying crack in my back. I sluggishly left the tent and went to where I assumed the High Lords would be.

"You really are one hell of a kid, Mistress," Cassian remarked. I yawned and waved him off before bumping into someone. I stumbled back and looked up.

"Lucian?" I asked.

"It's been too long, kid," he said softly and messed up my hair.

"Can ya give me a piggyback ride to where ever the hell the High Lords are?" I asked sleepily. Lucian smiled softly and let me hop on his back. I fell back asleep almost instantly and felt a gentle prodding in my cheek moments later.

"You really that tired, June bug?" Tamlin asked.

"Shuddup," I muttered, still sleepy.

"Did you really kill the King?" Elain asked.

"Yeah. You owe me a tour of Velaris, bitch," I said pointing at Rhysand.

"You sound high," Mor said straight faced.

"Thanks. It's a new thing with the humans," I remarked sarcastically. I felt someone slap the back of my head.

"We need to get going," Minato said.

"Do we really have to leave right now?" I asked, setting my head back on Lucian's shoulder in a pouting manner.

"Yes, Rin, we do. Now come on," Minato said softly. I groaned in response.

"It's not that bad is it?" Tamlin asked.

"I have exams. You know how much I hate exams," I muttered.

"I do," Tamlin said.

"I think I just might hate exams more than you hate Sister Princess, Tamlin," I muttered, banging my head on Lucian's shoulder.

"Sister Princess?" Feyre asked.

"Someone painted the manor and put 'Sister Princess' on the front in green paint. Forgive me, but I doubt your statement, June bug," Tamlin said.

"You probably deserved it," I retorted.

"You will hurt your head if you do not stop soon," Lucian said.

"I'm trying to knock myself out but it isn't working out so well for me," I replied.

"Luckily for you, there have been arrangements made for me to travel with you to your home and stay for a time," Lucian said softly.

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