Ch. 55 Hera and Finalizing Our Plans

Start from the beginning

"You are smart for your age," Kallias said.

"War is like a dance, Kallias. You figure out the dance, you figure out the best way to get the most points thus winning. Playing it safe and only attacking near your Endgame is idiotic while straying to far from it is also a bad idea. Since he drew us close to the Night Court, he can likely get his forces out of the battle field before all are dead while at the same time distract us and lead us away from his Endgame," I said.

"Why do you know so much of war?" Thesian asked.

"I've already been in one far more bloody than this," I replied.

"You can't get much more blood than this, Rin." I turned, eyes wide.

"Kakashi..." I whispered. He had a dull look in his eye.

"Minato-sensei and Tobi are here too. Who are they?" He asked, sounding dead.

"High Lords and the Night Court's Inner Circle. What happened to you?" I asked, walking over to him.

"I saw the battle field," He said simply.

"It's that bad?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, sounding broken. I sucked in a breath and wrapped my arms around him. I saw the tent's entrance move as a pair of feet came into view. I let go of Kakashi and looked past him to see Minato. He had a cold look in his eyes and his mouth was in a thin line.

"You should've come sooner," He said. An underlying anger was lacing his words. I stepped around Kakashi and stood about a foot from Minato.

"Rule 10, Minato," I said. He looked at me with a steely coldness I hadn't seen in a long time.

"Never get personally involved in a case," He said coldly. I gave him a cheeky grin and folded my hands behind my back.

"We still gotta kick the King of Hyburn's sorry ass into oblivion, sensei. I don't think we'd really be able to show the Fae how much better humans are if we can't do that right?" I asked. The coldness in Minato's eyes vanished at my words and was replaced with determination and slight shock.

"Do you have any idea how strong the King is?" Tarquin asked bitterly.

"Nope! But the way I figure it is if you people can't beat him then I sure as hell will. I'm also gonna hold you to a tour of Velaris when I get rid of the King for you, Rhysand," I said, turning to face him and show I was serious. I put my hand into my weapons pouch on my hip and pulled out a sealing scroll. I walked over to the table and unrolled it so I saw the first four seals. I unsealed Crescent Rose, Myrtenaster, Ember Cecilia, and Gamble Shroud.

I handed Myrtenaster to Kakashi and Ember Cecilia to Minato. I went back to the scroll, clipped Crescent Rose to my hip, and moved Obito's Gamble Shroud off the scroll before rolling it back up and putting it back into my weapons pouch. I picked up Gamble Shroud and turned to hand it to him. He took it from me without a word.

"What are those?" Azriel asked.

"Just a few pieces of tech that will only react to their chakras. Minato, channel chakra into Ember Cecilia. It will turn into fully functioning close ranged shotguns. They also work at long range but aren't very effective. You can also store chakra in Ember Cecilia as a backup for when you run low during a mission or battle. The ammunition for Ember Cecilia is your chakra.

"Kakashi, Myrtenaster reacts and sends out a few different types of chakra elements based off of the color facing you on the handle. Red for fire, white for wind, light blue for ice, and yellow for lightning. It's better if you use Myrtenaster for long range but it can be used in close range as well if need be. You can use them as much as you wish as long as you have the required amount of chakra.

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