Ch. 51 Meeting a Legend and Friends

Start from the beginning

I slowly made my way over to it, not trusting anything to go smoothly once I left the daylight and went underground. After a few tense moments, I heard a soft click as the trap door leading to the passageway closed behind me. I could only go forward for now but there were torches lining the walls so I could see but not all the halls leading off the one I was in had lit torches.

I felt a small puff of air touch my palm and looked down to see the snake gone. Orochimaru's summoning didn't seem to need to be here any longer. I lowered my arm and pulled out a senbon needle for each hand before continuing down the dimly lit passageway. I heard something behind me and took off sprinting to see if it would follow.

I came to a skidding halt when the passage led to a solid wall with an iron door in the middle of the wall. Orochimaru was standing a few feet in front of the door, seemingly waiting for something — or someone. I subconsciously slid my left foot back slightly as I stood up. I didn't trust him but I was stuck underground with him.

"You got here quickly, my dear," he said.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"There isss sssomeone that won't sssspeak to me. Would you be willing to help me?" Orochimaru hissed.

"Will I be able to leave afterward?" I asked.

"Yesss," Orochimaru replied.

"Then yes, I will help you," I said. Orochimaru nodded his thanks and turned toward the door. I followed even though my gut was telling me to run as fast as I could the way I had come and break through the ground to speak with Minato about the underground passageways. I stood frozen in the doorway when I saw why I was needed.

"Please be careful, my dear," Orochimaru said. I couldn't stop staring.

"What is he?" I asked as I noticed the pointed ears and almost inhuman beauty.

"I am High Fae," the man said. My eyes widened and the emotionless tone he used. I stepped into the room so I could see him better and my eyes turned to saucers when I saw the chains keeping him here. I slowly put the senbon in my hands back into my kunai holster.

"But... the Fair Folk are legends," I said softly, slowly going closer and closer to the man. I saw tattoos inked over his chest and arms and gently set my fingers  on part of the ink on his chest. The fairy growled softly and tried to move away from my touch.

"My people are far from being myth," he growled.

"There are more of you?" I asked, looking up at his face. I saw him look over at Orochimaru.

"He's never spoken so much as a word to me," Orochimaru breathed.

"I don't think he likes you and I can understand the feeling," I retorted. Orochimaru sighed and left, closing the door behind him.

"There are," the fairy said suddenly, making me jump.

"Do they all look like you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean... do all of you... have this inhuman beauty?" I asked, turning around to take a few steps away from him while hoping I was making sense.

"I suppose so. Although, you humans all look quite dull to us," he replied, his voice seemingly getting more emotion to it.

"That's offensive," I said immediately and turned to face him again.

"How so?" He asked.

"You pretty much just called the entire human race no more interesting than trash and you're wondering why I find that offensive? I thought fairies were supposed to be smart," I replied.

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