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You guys, we hit 450,000 reads. There are no words to describe what this means to me. I remember two years ago when I first started this story and would watch as each individual read came in. Every single one is still that important to me. Thank you so much to all of you. You are amazing. Thank you for the support, encouragement, votes, comments and reads. I hope you enjoy the update!

Happy Reading!



I finally caught up to Jo down by the gate. By that time the remaining Saviors were dead. She was covered in sweat and gore, but she didn't look hurt. I wouldn't know for sure until I saw her in the light. She was standing with Maggie and Rick. I raked my eyes over her one last time to reassure myself she had made it through okay. Her running off into the dark after the Saviors had scared the shit out of me more that I wanted to admit.

When I stepped out of the dark Rick whipped around to face me raising his hatchet to defend them. There was something wild in his eye that reminded me of when Jo lost control. Jo peaked at me over Rick's shoulder. She heard me coming. Rick nodded to me and looked around at the wreckage.

"Everyone all right?" he asked us.

The girls both nodded, but Maggie looked shocky and there were tears in her eyes.

"Yeah," I rasped back.

"Good," Rick said slipping his hatchet through his belt. "Let's get some more people down here who aren't hurt and get these cars moved. We need to get these gates shut before the walkers get here."

He and Maggie turned back to the house to find people to help while Jo and I got to work. We moved just the trucks we needed to so we could shut the gates. The rest could wait until morning. Everyone was exhausted but Jo and I spent the rest of the night on the wall, keeping watch. I tried twice to send her in to bed, but she refused. I wanted to be mad and yell at her that she was being stupid, but I really couldn't blame her. My blood was still up from the fight too and I didn't trust anyone else to keep watch in case The Saviors came back. It was only a couple hours until sunrise.

By morning the community was completely surrounded by walkers. There were dozens leaning against the fence, banging loudly against the tin and attracting even more walkers from the woods. We would need to get rid of them before we were completely overrun.

Maggie and Rick stepped up behind us. Neither of them had slept either. "We gotta clear them so we can move the rest of cars," Maggie said grimly pulling a knife. Jesus' eyes widened and he was about to step forward to argue about it.

I surprised everyone when I did instead. "Ya stay here," I told her. I jerked my chin to the sides of the fence. "Distract 'em." I hefted my crossbow and Jesus, Rick, Jerry, and I moved to the gate.

"You'd be better up on the wall, providing cover," I wasn't at all surprised to hear Jo's voice just behind me.

I glanced down at her over my shoulder. "I ain't letting ya go out there by yourself darlin, so unless you're planning on staying back..."

I wanted her to stay. She was hurt and tired. She was practically swaying on her feet. She lifted her chin defiantly and I recognized the gleam of challenge in her eye. She was waiting for me to fight with her about this. I wasn't going to give in.

Rosita stepped up too. "I'll come too," she offered. "Even numbers on both sides," she said.

I nodded.

Last One Standing ~ TWD Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now