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Sorry this chapter took a bit to get out, I really struggled with it so I hope it's okay. 

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It was past midday when we finally got to the college. Campus was full of old red brick buildings that all looked the same and the sidewalks wound around in snaking patterns that didn't make any sense. It was good Hershel thought to send us with a map or we would have been there all damn day looking for the right building. There weren't many Walkers visible when we parked the van as close to the vet building as we could. We all piled out, but stayed in a tight group. The others looked tense and only Michonne didn't look afraid.

I rolled my shoulders. "Ready?" I asked them, lifting my crossbow up. No one responded. I snorted and pulled the map out of my pocket handing it off to Tyreese. I had my crossbow up and ready while Tyreese followed just over my shoulder with the map Hershel drew for us. Whatever happened back at the auto repair place seemed to have passed. Now that we were here, Tyreese's whole focus was on getting those meds back to Sasha.

"Looks like we are getting closer," I observed.

Tyreese nodded, looking down at the paper in his hand. "The building we want is just ahead. Pavek Hall." He pointed out the sign at the edge of the side walk. Below the building's name were the words, College of Veterinary Medicine.

"Looks like we're in the right place," I called over my shoulder to Michonne and Bob who were bringing up the rear. The front doors were locked, so I smashed the window with the butt of my crossbow.  Being careful not to cut myself I reached through to unlock the door.

I led the way through the hallways, letting Tyreese tell me where to go. The building looked deserted and empty but I moved as silently as possible. There was no telling what could be hiding in this building. We slipped through the hallways and into the classroom Hershel said.

"All right, lets make this quick," I called. It was some kind of lab with store rooms off the side. There were bottles of medication everywhere. We had a list that I had given to Bob and Michonne, but I snatched up everything I could find, filling my bag and pockets.

Tyreese and I slipped into one of the other supply rooms to gather medical supplies. We both filled our bags then went back in search of Bob and Michonne.

Bob and Michonne were still standing in front of a huge case of drugs when we came back in. There were hundreds of bottles lining the store shelf.

"Anything ending with -cillin or -cin," Bob instructed, "grab it, we'll dissolve the pills in the IV's put 'em right into the bloodstream. Dosage will be tricky considering the time we lost," he was saying as he turned the bottles to read the labels.

They shoved the last of what they found into Michonne's backpack.

"How'd you do?" Bob asked, looking back at us.

"Bags, tubes, clamps, connectors," Tyreese reported, patting the bag that was slung around his body. "Everything on the list."

"What about y'all?" I asked. There were still a lot of bottles on the shelves. I shook my own bag a little, wondering if I could make more room so we could take as much medication as possible. Even if it wasn't useful now, I didn't like the idea of leaving anything behind we might need later.

Bob nodded glancing over the shelves once more. "Yeah, we got it all."

Michonne confirmed. "Yeah, we're good," she said, zipping her backpack up and swinging it around her body. I followed the motion knowing Jo's life depended on that bag.

Last One Standing ~ TWD Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now