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Buckle up friends! This is going to be a LONG one and it's got something in it for everyone. I probably could have broken it into two, saved half of it for another day...but would I really do that to you guys...? 

No way! 

Enjoy friends!



The walk back through the woods to our vehicles felt like it took forever. I hadn't realized how much the day had taken out of me. I was better, but I was still healing. When Daryl saw how tired I was he tried to get me to ride in the RV.  There were too many people and too much supplies. It would be a tight fit and I was feeling a little claustrophobic. I needed some space from the group and I would never pass up a chance to ride with Daryl on his bike. There was something about being in the wind with him that helped quiet all the noise in my head. I was able to wrap my arms around him, lay my head against his shoulder and just feel the wind blowing around us. In the dark there was nothing to see, so I closed my eyes and just let myself feel. We had survived today, done what needed to be done and nothing else mattered.

It was late before we got back to Alexandria. Daryl slowed his bike as we approached the gate. "What the hell?" I felt him speak almost as much as I heard him over the sound of the bike. 

I looked up, peaking over his shoulder to see Rosita holding the gate open for us to drive through.

Rick parked the RV just inside and everyone piled out, practically running towards Rosita. I moved slower. My muscles were sore yes, but I also could read on her face that it hadn't gone right. I gave Daryl one last squeeze, pressing my lips against the back of his shoulder. He patted my hands where they met against his stomach, but I could feel the tension in him, the need to move and find out what was going on. I swung my leg over and climbed off the bike heading towards the group.

"Are you okay?" Enid gasped desperately as she jogged towards Rosita.

"Where's Sasha?" Jesus's voice was stronger and I was able to hear it, despite the fact that I couldn't see over the crowd of people gathered around her.

Rick glanced over his shoulder and spotted Daryl and I. He stepped aside so I could get my first look at Rosita. It wasn't what I expected. She looked exhausted and...defeated. So they had failed. But Sasha was nowhere to be found which meant only one thing. Sasha was dead. I had to believe that even Rosita wouldn't have left her behind. The angst written on Rosita's face also made me realize that despite the apparent loss they had been unsuccessful. 

Negan was still alive.

I exhaled and closed my eyes against the onslaught of emotions. I hadn't really believed they would succeed, but what I didn't realize was that there had been a small piece of me that had hoped. Hope was not an emotion I had allowed myself to entertain much since the beginning. There were too many things to lose in this world to allow myself to hope. I knew better. 

Daryl noticed and rested a hand on my shoulder. He was good at reading people, but I wasn't sure if he knew enough about the situation to read it as quickly as I had. I drew in a shuddering breath, steeling myself for whatever was going to come next. 

"There's someone here," Rosita's voice cracked and it sounded like she had been crying. I snapped my head up in her direction, scowling. She had let someone into our home without checking with us. There weren't enough people here to keep our people safe. Only an idiot would invite a stranger behind the wall without proper back up. 

Last One Standing ~ TWD Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now