Ch. 8 Shopping, Missions, and Ramen Part 1

Start from the beginning

We were in the mission retrieval room in the Hokage Tower. When we finally got to the front of the line I was surprised to see to see Minato-sensei there.

"Hey sensei. What are you doing here?" Rin asked.

"I figured you two would be here."

"Do you need us for something?"

"We have a few missions."

"Cool! We were here to see if we could get any missions so this is great!"

"They're only D-rank so don't be so excited."

"That's fine! Right, Kashi?"

"Yeah. Let's go."


As we left the Hokage building Minato-sensei told us what the missions were about.

"So we're pulling weeds out of someone's garden, carrying someone's grocery bags for them, and then cleaning out the river?"

"Yeah. I told you not to get too excited about any of them."

"At least they're something to do."

"Yeah. You know what? Let's make the best of this! We only have until tonight right? We should have fun while we can ya know? Try not to worry about what just happened with the War."

Sensei chuckled at Rin's enthusiasm. I just sighed.

"Come on Kakashi! Let's go!" Rin grabbed my wrist and started running, dragging me with her.

"You don't even know where we're going!"

"Sure I do! Now come on!"



We finally got to the house we were supposed to pull weeds at and got to work. Rin and I were on opposite sides of the yard so we could get work done faster. Sensei was sitting on a rock in the yard watching over us.

I sighed and leaned back to look up at the sky. There were a few clouds above us. I thought I saw Obito in them. I sighed again when the image of Obito went away and got back to pulling weeds.


When we finished, we started walking toward our next mission.

"Where are we going now, Sensei?" Rin asked.

"We have to find a lost cat named Tora."

"We have to find a cat?" I asked.

"Oh come on Kakashi! This is someone's pet! They would have to care a lot to submit a mission form for a ninja to look for their lost pet!" Rin said.

"Right. Let's just get this over with."

We continued walking until we reached the front gate. Sensei stopped and looked at us.

"Why'd we stop?" I ask.

"I need to give you two something before we go any farther," Sensei said.

"What do we need?" Rin asked.

"Long distance radios. This way, we won't have to talk face-to-face and no one will have to summon anything."

"Oh! That's so cool!"

"Here you two. Put these on."


"Got it."

We put the radios on and checked to make sure the volume was alright. Once everything was at the right setting we split up and searched the forest. Before long I hear sensei so I stopped on a branch.


"No sign of the target."



"Keep searching. We'll meet at the gate in one hour. Radio to the rest of the team if you find anything. Got it?"

Rin and I replied, "Hai!" at the same time. With that, I jumped off the branch and continued searching for Tora.

"I see her!" Rin yelled.

"Where are you?" Sensei asked.

"About five kilometers from the front gate."

"We're on our way," Sensei says.

"Get Tora," I say.

"Right," Rin replies.

Before long I get to where Rin is and see Rin holding the cat and sensei already there. I sigh and walk up to them.

"Oh, you're so cute!" Rin gushed hugging the cat to her face. The cat, whom I assume is Tora, didn't seem to mind.

"Rin. Sensei."

"Oh, Kakashi! Isn't Tora adorable?"

I walked over and crouched down to where Rin was sitting and started petting the cat.

"I guess so."

"Come on! We need to return Tora to her owner!"


We started walking back to the village to give Tora back to her owner, give our mission report, and then get ready for ramen with Kushina later that night.


When we got back to the mission part of the Hokage Tower and returned Tora to her owner I understood why she ran away. A woman was crushing her in a hug.

"Oh, thank you all so much for finding my precious Tora!" She said. She put money on the table and started walking away. Tora was trying to claw her way out of the woman's arms.

"Do we have any other missions Sensei?" Rin asked.

"I don't think we can do any more today guys. We still have to meet Kushina for ramen tonight remember?"

"That's going to be so much fun! Let's go get ready okay Kakashi!" Rin exclaimed and started to pull me out of the building.

"Rin! Hold on!"

"But we have to hurry!"

"We still have a few hours though Rin."


"Why should we hurry?"

"We have to look nice for tonight, Kashi!"

"Fine. Can you let go of me for a minute?"

"Alright." Rin's mood changed drastically. She went from being really happy to being really sad.

"Hey. You wanted to get ready for tonight, didn't you?"

~~To Be Continued~~


Hey everyone! I know I haven't updated in what seems like forever but I finally did it! I'll try to get another chapter up for Easter this coming weekend. It will be the second part of this chapter.

Anw... I hope you have a good day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter! Bye guys!

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