Chauffeur - Chapter 88

Start from the beginning

"Anything could happen"

"It will not happen to you. They will have to kill me first"

"Shut the fuck up, don't say that. I don't want you to die" He spat slapping my chest.

"I didn't mean it literally. I meant to say that I will have to not be here for them to get at you and that will never happen because I will never leave you"

"Okay, good. You better mean that"

"I mean it, baby. I mean it"

"Wow" He breathed.


"You haven't called me that since I first saw you at the hospital"

"I have never called you baby, damsel" I informed making him look at me strangely.

"Why not? It sounds good"

"Because it's overrated"

"So?" He asked cutely.

"We're not overrated, damsel. Anything but please. I don't want to be like those other celebrity couple"

"Couples, huh? Have you asked me out, sir? Because I have not heard you asking the question" He said sassily making me smile.

"Why not do it a second time yourself?" I questioned.

"What do you mean?" He asked and immediately came his song to my mind. The one he probably doesn't remember either.

"You asked me to be your boyfriend like a year ago" His mouth fell open as he looked at me in shock.

"Oh Jesus, really?"


"Did you reject me?"

"Why would I?"

"I don't know. You could have. Why wouldn't you" He retorted.

"Why wouldn't I? Because I fucking loved you and still do, damsel. It was only an open opportunity for me to be able to call you mine for as long as posible"

"Do you still call me yours?"

"In my mind you've always been mine even if I've had my doubts and even if we don't work out and you run off with someone else, I'd still call you mine"

"I don't think I'd run off with someone else"

"And why is that?"

"Because we're not the overrated typical couple"

"Couple?" I asked jokingly but his face was still serious even if there was a glint of amusement lingering around.

"Jason McCann, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Are you serious?" I asked in pure disbelief.

"You asked me why not do it a second time and I asked myself, if you already call me yours and I want to call you mine, why not do it a second time? So... Will you be my boyfriend?"

Mr. Bieber's Chauffeur {BxB} ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now