Chauffeur ~ Chapter 9

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Justin P.O.V

I kept on walking around the park, looking around as Jason stood by my side in silence. My mind was wandering back to how I was acting lately and it's not because I think I'm Justin Bieber and therefore I can do whatever I please, no. It's because I'm driven to act how I act.

Does it cost millions to treat me like a person and not like a damn robot? I can assure you it does not cost a dime to treat me like a human being. I can sure as hell have a long excruciating week and snap once in a while. But oh no.

Justin Bieber snapped, he is on drugs.

Justin Bieber snapped, he is having relationship problems.

Justin Bieber snapped, he is probably drunk.

Like no, I have the right to have a long week, the right to walk out where I'm being disrespected because let me assure you, people that don't have my spotlight do it all the time, but they have the ability to do it privately, not I. Many people will love to look at it some other way, but I know how I was being treated.

The front row was laughing mockingly as I wiped the floor, but they just kept on throwing water on it. Either, they wanted me to slip and break my neck or they just wanted to piss me off, neither one was cool.

"Hey, getting pissed off again Damsel?" I looked over at Jason with a questioning look before he grabbed my right hand making me look down, just then realizing that it was formed into a tight fist.

"It's just bothering me, that's all," Jason let my hand go and I unclenched it, sighing at last.

"What is?" I looked at him pensively trying to find out if he just wanted to pry into my life, but the more I looked the more I could only read genuineness all over his features.

"How I get treated," I answered at last.

"And how do you get treated?" he pressed on the subject. I sighed once again and kept on walking down the rocky path at the park which at the very far end seemed to lead to a lake.

"With disrespect," I simply replied.

"I see, and in what way do you feel disrespected?" he questioned making me look at him once again in annoyance.

"In every way Jason, from my privacy right down to my choices, whether they are my personal choices or professional ones. My music is disrespected, doesn't matter if it's good or not, people just do it because it's me making it. My posts on social media are disrespected, and for what? because I don't post what they want me to?" I vented and Jason just nodded along to what I was saying.

"I know about your privacy and music and somewhat social media, but what do you mean when you say your choices get disrespected?" he asked with furrowed brows.

"For example, my new haircut and color. People are saying 'have you seen Justin Bieber?, he looks like a white mom with that haircut, and did you see the color?', like okay we get it, but at the same time it's like, it's my hair you know, I can do just whatever the hell I want with it, why do you care? Then there's the problem of me getting new tattoos, 'oh my God Justin, more tattoos? why? you're ruining your skin', and it's like again, my skin, my problem. Everything is a damn problem with the public and it's just because I'm Justin Bieber. It gets to the point where I'm like, why did I even sign up for this?" I ranted.

"Is that why you have been lashing out lately?" I licked my dry lips and focused on the path ahead of me as we got closer to the lake.

"Could be, I'm just tired of giving a shit. I realized a long time ago that no matter what I do, no matter how much I try to be perfect and be loved by everybody, it just won't be enough, it won't happen. I'm not perfect, only God is and not even he is loved by everyone, so why give a shit? there's no point," I stated as I ran my fingers through my hair, waiting for Jason to shoot the next question.

Mr. Bieber's Chauffeur {BxB} ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now