Chauffeur ~ Chapter 81

Start from the beginning






It seems like time freezes. It seemed like nothing around me was moving. I wasn't able to hear anything, see anything... Feel anything.

I was unable.

"Jason!" I heard a familiar voice.

"Huh?" I mumbled disoriented.

"Keep it moving, King Kong!"

My eyes snapped towards the direction of the voice and that's when I saw him. That's when I saw Justin encouraging me to move towards him. To keep running towards him as he awaited for me for keep running.

"Justin?" I asked as my breath got irregular.

"Run to me, King Kong!" That's when my feet started sprinting towards Justin as he stood next to my car.



Beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... BOOM!

My body got sent flying to the ground harshly, the bottle of Henny smashed against my hand. My ears rang with the sound of the explosion. My eyes were blurred with tears. My hand was bloody along with the cuts on my face. My clothes were slightly teared but on top all of that, I stood up.

My damsel was here. Waiting for me.

Getting on my hands and knees, I got up and looked around. I looked around for Justin. I looked around for my damsel to run to me and hug me tightly.

I was waiting for my damsel to tell me that everything was going to be okay.

I needed my damsel to tell he remembers us.

I needed my damsel to assure me he remembers everything.

I was waiting and needing for my damsel to tell me he didn't get raped because of me.

"Justin?" I called out but nothing. Nobody answered me "Justin, where are you? Are you hiding?" I asked loudly. My voice cracking on the process.


"Justin?" I asked for reassurance.

"No, it's me boss. Justin it's not here" Swinging my body around, my eyes landed on Franklin.

"What do you mean Justin is not here? He was the one to encourage me to run over here. He was standing over here. You need to have seen him around here"

"He is my here, sir" Aide said.

"I'm not crazy!" I yelled at the top of my lungs "I know Justin was here!" I yelled at her.

"But he---"

"Justin!" I cried. A powerful sob emitting from me as I called for my damsel.

"He is not here. You must have been hallucinating" Michael yelled at me as the rest looked at me either in sympathy or confusion.

Mr. Bieber's Chauffeur {BxB} ~ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now