Beautiful Collide

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How could he not accept the greetings her lips gave him, how could he not taste those lips when she was constantly licking again and again making him lick them too . How could he not kiss her when he died every sec to feel them against his.

Of course he waited for this moment, but today when he woke up he never thought he would be kissing those lips he wished every day, every night.

At first he felt regret when he placed his lips on her lips not asking for her consent but when he moved them slowly and started to kiss her every so lovingly he felt like he would do anything just so he could be allowed to kiss her non stop .

He tightened his grip on her waist and brought her face close to her sucking, licking and biting in other words abusing them with his love he never confessed.

She was far more stunt to even react and he had almost finished his half devouring.

When she came back to her senses she looked at his closed eyes...

Her heart skipped some beats when he bit her lower lip asking for his entrance she gasp when his teeth pierced into her and he entered her mouth when his tongue collided with her and electric sensation developed inside her system and automatic her eyes closed and a soft moan left her mouth making him go crazy she held his shirt tight into her fist and slowly moved her lips being a bit clumsy and unprofessional in these things , yet being in a relationship she never had any intimation.

Her body never allowed it, but what Hana didn't know was it was Hayam's first kiss too It was a beautiful collide collaboration between two awaited souls.... Between two broken souls.

Hana was so engrossed in the kiss that she didn't know that she forgot about the days which were not less than hell .

She forgot those promises she made to herself, forgot that she said that she would never be someone's.

Never fall in love , never bring a man in her world. But what if she fell for Hayam before she made any promises ?? Before everything starts ?? Before she even meets Xavier.

What if Xavier was just a person who came into Hana's life to protect her ?? Or what if Xavier was just someone a past through person in her life , what if Xaveri came into her life just for her to realise that her heart was already someone's, already Hayam's
though she was with him .

Those, What if questions would ever be answered for her in her life ??.

It took some time for her to realise what she was doing and her promises.
And a single voice rang in her mind..

' Can I kiss you Princess ??'

Xavier's voice echoed in her mind making her stop kissing Hayam and tears started to form in her eyes making her feel miserable, she broke the hug and looked down crying her eyes out she held Hayam's shirt tightly and let herself breakdown again. Seeing her cry like that Hayam panicked.

"Ha-ana ??? What happened Hun ?? You alright ?? I'-im sorry Hun, i shouldn't -" he held her shoulder trying to hold her firmly she looked so weak suddenly to him, her body didn't have any flesh , a skeleton feeling her bones whenever he touched her body he felt weirdly confused.

"Hana !!!?" He called her a bit yelling, she looked up and him crying still her face turned a whole red colour and her nerves were visible on her neck .

' why is she crying like this ?? Like someone died ?? ' he asked himself.

"What happened Babe ?? Tell me .. I'm here " he tried comforting her.

"Wh-at should I do ?? I don't want to live , what should I do Ha-yam ?? What should I do ?? He's in my mind forever. He is every time!! He left me , he left me to die here All alone , alone. How did he leave me ?? Why di-d he leave me ?? " She said , and fell down but thankfully he caught her shoulders kneeling down.

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