First Bloom, First Love .

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Fate, which is Destined to Reunite, is a positive and real force. Even if two people experience temporary separation, they are not truly disconnected. True fate is an unbreakable thread, impervious to the whims of destiny. Even if you lose sight of it temporarily, you will eventually meet again.This is when you will encounter the person meant to be in your life - the one who is fated to be with you. This is what is known as true fate.

True Destined to be with them ..... Not getting what you want could also be considered a form of fate. The fact that two people can cross paths and get to know each other is a kind of fate in itself. The future of their relationship is unknown, however. Our lives are shaped by the fate that brings us together with others.

Destiny is unpredictable and can bring us together or tear us apart. Even if two people meet by chance, their time together may be brief if they are not meant to be together.

In this vast world, fate can bring two people together and allow them to get to know each other. This can be a sign that they are meant to be. However, sometimes despite this strong connection, they may be unable to stay together due to certain circumstances. This makes them destined to meet, but not necessarily destined to stay together.

It's common for people to fall in love and eventually break up, but for some, the end of a relationship only brings them closer together. This is fate.

When two people are meant to be together, destiny brings them together. It's that feeling of knowing that you've found the person you're meant to spend the rest of your life with. It's that inexplicable connection that draws you to each other and makes you feel like you've known each other forever. And yes destiny plays a role not only in love but every aspect of our life. Sometimes when you don't even think destiny plays its cards & brings back the love of your life to you. Similarly if you don't have someone in your destiny, you may try hard but things will turn up as negative only.

DESTINY is a feeling you have that you know something about yourself nobody else does. The picture you have in your own mind of what you're about WILL COME TRUE. It's a kind of thing you kind of have to keep to your own self, because it's a fragile feeling, and you put it out there, then someone will kill it.

You remember your first love because they show you, prove to you, that you can love and be loved, that nothing in this world is deserved except for love, that love is both how you become a person and why.

Second love usually takes a long time to find after the first one. You trust them but not blindly. You love them but you love yourself more . You expect less from them cause you know it's you who is responsible for your own happiness. Second love is usually mature love. They say Your second love is better because you've learned from your mistakes. From big to small stuff, your first relationship will have taught you what made you screwed up and you'll be able to realize what battles are worth fighting for .


'First Love never dies'
There's no love like the first.

First love is the first person you fell in love with. First love is like a first bloom , first love is that love where you are ready to do anything or everything just for that person . First love has that power to go invincibly limitlessly just to see each other, see each other happily See each other lovingly, to embrace each other, to share their life with each other, to share their pain with each other............. Just so they can live happily

But they say , first love always stays incomplete right ??? Always.

You yourself witness shattering yourself, you witness all your plans promises get shattered . You witness how venerable someone can make , how weak someone can make you feel . How someone can make you feel special yet can destroy you . either the person will destroy you or the faith will betray you . You wouldn't even know how, when , where and why it happened.

But there is a saying

"Souls are connected by an ancient calling, they are already made up in the heaven _ already connected which echoes through Ages . It's said some lives are linked across time and that's why it is called Destiny "


A shayeri dedicated to the Main leads ... them

"Ek Gujarish Hai Tujhse Zara Tham Ke Barasna,
Aa Jaaye Jab Mera Mehboob To Phir Jamm Ke Barasna,
Yun Pehle na Barasna Ki Wo Aa na Sakey,
Aa Jaaye Mere Pass To Itna Barasna Ki Wo Ja Na Sakey"


Thank you,

And the Story begins Now !!..
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