what if she dies ?

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" Hello .... Mr. Principal " he said, with a smirk.

"Ohh, Hello Hayam , it's been a long time, Is everything alright in school?? " the school principal asked.

" If Everything was good why would I have called you in the first place, Mr.Principal??" He asked , speeding up his speed.

" I -i didn't understand you " he said .

" You will !!!.. just call the whole staff at school right now , I need you to be in your chamber in less than 5 minutes " he said , and hung up , throwing his phone on the next seat .

Driving past the streets, he stopped near a C-store and walked inside.

"Fetch me a cigar " he said leaning on the glass table .

"Which would you like to prefer sir ??" The girl asked .

" Gurkha Royal Courtesan " he said .

" Erm.. I'll look for it sir " she said .

" Never mind leave it !!" He said , and was about to go out when she stopped.

"No sir.. I'll be back , it's inside the store room " she said and ran inside, she arrived taking a wooden box out with her .

"How many sir ???" She asked .

" Whole " he said, taking out his card and handed it to her she pushed the box towards him and took his card swiping it off and giving it back to him .

He took the card Keeping it back in his purse and took his box with him .

When he entered the car he took a cigar and lit it up inhaling it fully inside and leaving it out he opened the window to let the smoke out, after some blows he started his car and drove to the school taking his own time.

After 15 minutes he finally arrived stopping his car in front of the building inside the school .

He walked inside the school with his cigar in his hand smoking it in the process.

When he reached the school principal's office he pushed it open .

the principal saw him and stood up , moving away from the chair when he saw Hayam walking towards him , Hayam sat on the chair and breathed out He held his cigar in his left hand and looked at the principal.

" Did the staff arrive ???" He asked .

" Yeah. They are out " he answered soon , Hayam signalled him to call them inside and the principal ran out .

Taking some more strokes of his cigar he blew out making the room smokey.

When the staff came inside standing in front of him. All the professors and teachers, administrators, secretaries, janitors, and groundskeepers arrived inside the room which nearly made a crowd in the room making his smoke choke, some of them coughing out not being able to inhale it .

" Ohhh... Do you guys have any problems with this ??" He asked showing his cigar . And they shook their heads .

" Noo Mr. Abadi , we are all alright, right?" The principal asked

" Noo.. come on I'm not so heartless" Hayam said and got up.

" let's move to the big auditorium you might be okay there right and it's the perfect place for me actually, Just bring Your Pc With you Principal " he said , and walked out to the auditorium.

When he reached the auditorium he sat on the chair which was placed in the corner. Everyone came inside and stood , Hayam signalled them to sit and they sat !!.. he stood up from his place and threw the cigar away making everyone look at each other because the whole purpose he came here was so everyone could breathe properly right ??..

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