Rewrite the stars

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After laying for another 5 minutes in pain he decided to finally face the world.

He sat up on the floor and held his Covers on the bed and stood up to only sit on the bed again with his lazy sleepy head he rubbed his eyes and ruffled his hair feeling sleepy still .

he looked around his room finally opening his eyes only to see his surroundings rotate in an anti clockwise direction.

He smiled remembering that he drank last night shaking off his head he stood up feeling dizzy and a slight pain in the back of his head but he's used to it so shrugged off he walked near his glass window and pressed the button which was underneath the curtains making them move over themselves automatically, he stretched his arms and body feeling relaxed after a long alcohol night . He yawned again and opened the glasses letting the sun rise inside his room ....

" What time is it ?? the sun is already up " He asked himself, sighing he walked inside the bathroom to get fresh up .

Taking a good warm heavenly bath the king finally came out rubbing his hairs , he directly went to his one coset which was inbuilt back of his bed . Checking out his body in front of the mirror, the only girl came into his mind ....

" How hot you are Niel !!. Yet no use " he said , and smirked.

"But, one day or the other The day will arrive no matter what" he said , with a lot of confidence.

He turned around to his clothes and took out something decent which her girlfriend always liked .. taking out a simple milk white shirt which loosely hung on his body with a cream pant which showed his thick build thighs wearing a slim black belt around his not so wide waist we wore his watch on his left hand setting up his hairs with no jel or spray just let them flow however they wanted covering his half forehead and moving away a bit hairs from his eyes he tug some of his hairs behind his hairs taking one last glance of himself he took his bag and walked down .

As he walked down the maid told him that his breakfast was served and Mrs Xavier had already left for work when Xavier sat on his chair and the maid served him.

" Where would mom be by this time ??" He asked the head maid if he could bring Hana directly to her office.

" Erm, maybe she's in her lunch meeting. Mrs Xavier said last night -"

" Lunch meeting ??.. so soon ??" He asked, confused ready to start his food .

" Yes. It's already 1:20 in the afternoon soo ..-" when the words slipped out of the maid's mouth Xavier stood up aggressively making the chair fall down .

"F*ck !!! It's already Afternoon ???. " He asked , holding the maid's hand and looking at the watch. Only to get his eyes wide ...

"why didn't you wake me up for the college ??" He asked while walking away. The dining table.

" But, Sir. You always tell us not to disturb you when you had an alcoholic night so - " the maid was cut off when Xavier sat in his car and drove away.

" Did he say to wake him up Last night???" The maid asked herself sighing she walked inside.

Reaching the College entrance Xavier didn't care to park his car in the parking lot instead just at the entrance of the campus building, throwing away the keys to the guard he ran inside...while running he stopped and calculated the time .

" Aisshh!!! It's 1 now .. so lunch , cafeteria?!! Yeah !" He said to himself, and ran towards the cafeteria which is located in another building.

He reached while he almost tripped and fell but was balanced holding the door of the cafeteria... When he walked in a sudden air rush through him making his hairs and loose shirt expose his upper chest where he didn't bother to button up the upper three buttons.

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