Pampering Themselves

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"i-i.. didn't do anything, stop saying that" she said , fighting back her tears. He turned towards her and looked at her , she looked at him too.

" Don't hide those tears.... At least not in front of me " he said, his eyes filled up too.

She shrugged biting her lips controlling them but when he pulled for a hug not a close one but just her head on his chest that's all.

She broke down again hiccuping, coughing, out of breath and crying again .

Again when she promised herself not to.

"I-i.. i-, m-mis-s him, Geff !!.. I miss him. Why did he leave me here ??? Alone.??? I'm so lonely here, i feel like dying. I don't w-ant to live anymore, i want to see him " she said shaking her head breaking herself more .

He gulped down his painful tears wiping them off from his face and he pulled her face out from his chest . Holding by her shoulder .

"D-dont.. Don't say that, Hana. We can do this.. it's h-ard but, we have to... I'm here for you right ??? Im-I'm alone here too, why can't we be friends with each other??? I got your back, you got my back can't we ??. And dying ??? Xavier wouldn't like his Precious Princess, see like that , what will you say when you face him in heaven ??. He wouldn't like it. Right ??? So stop these thoughts before they grow more okay ???" He asked , and she nodded.

Wiping her tears which were coming down continuously. He ran from there when he saw her hiccups were not stopping and came back with a bottle of water.

"Here, " he said , and she took with her shivery hands gulping down . It took some time for her to relax and they stood in silence for some seconds when Geff said again.

"it's over lunch time, I think you should go" he said. And she came back to her world. Looking at him, handing the bottle to him she looked up at him .

"Im-I'm sorry, i reminded you again of those -"

"It's alright..." He said , looking down , and she nodded.

"I'll get going then " she said , and he nodded again feeling awkward as she left from there. As she reached the class just before the professor arrived she sat next to her friends.

"Where were you ???" Aaniya asked , hugging her from the side.

"Went to meet Geff " she said, and they nodded.

"How is he ??" Rui asked, she looked at her and nodded.

" He'll be fine soon " Hana said, rui hugged her from the other side and kissed her shoulder.

"And you'll be too " she said , and she just smiled plainly.

Their attention was diverted from themselves to the front when the professor arrived and the classes continued.


There is no way that it is as simple as that. When you are submerged in grief, it doesn't seem like you could ever possibly move on and learn to live without this person. The last thought in your mind is that life is ever going to go on and that things are ever going to be better. The truth is, it never really gets easy, but instead, you just start to learn to adjust to this new life. This becomes your norm and you figure out how to move forward and survive.

Not all at once does this happen, but slowly. Slowly you start to pick up the pieces of your broken world and put them together in a way that starts to give you some purpose and meaning again.

One day, you find yourself crying less than the day before. Another day, you even find yourself laughing, smiling and finding genuine joy and happiness in daily life. One day, the pain has subsided more than you ever could have thought imaginable.

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