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Living in poverty is a major obstacle for us to overcome, and it consumes most of their time. Since we're busy working several jobs just to make ends meet, we lack the time or ability to date. Given our need to work hard, we are used to bottling things up and solving problems on our own. However, our hidden vulnerabilities are often exposed when the right person comes along to change our lives. While poverty can be accompanied with major themes of depression or disassociation but, Nevermind .....


I was done getting ready for my school but i just have 15 minutes left until the main gate is closed of my school, taking my bag with me I walked out of my room and down the stairs keeping my bag on the couch I walked towards the kitchen taking a sandwich kept on the small space beside the stove with a note .

'Good Morning beta , Don't go empty stomach you won't be able to concentrate........ I'll be back soon'

I sighed and kept the note back taking the sandwich in my hand I walked out of the house closing it with the keys afterwards, i jogged to my school because i just have to cross 3 areas, a main road , a circle and walk straight to reach my school That's it. so no issues for walking or jogging.

when i finally reached. the gate was as usually closed and students who came late stood out till the assembly prayer was over and I stood with them.

when it was done we all were allowed to enter but we weren't allowed to go to our respective classes, all the late comers stood aside near the parking lot making a long line one after the another I stood in between and waited for my turn holding my handbook which is also known as a school calendar which contains the rules regulation, or personal information, all the months, song's of the school, motto, space for our absent note , teachers note .... Etc and etc.

When it was my turn I handed the book to the Pt sir ( Physical training Sir ) and he marked as late near the date of the month. He counted how many times I came late and said to stand aside I sigh again and stood aside seeing the most of them going back to their classes but not me ... when the sir was done with everyone he walked away , a senior of our school came towards us and led the way and we all walked after her
Walking past the singing hall, the auditorium, and our big play ground which was vastly spread we stood in front of the Head office and our senior looked at us .

" I'm getting late for my class , don't run away or try to escape you see those cameras?? Last time a girl and her brother were caught and their parents were called for a meeting so don't let that happen, Sister must be coming" she said , and ran to her class . I looked at the camera and back to the clock hung outside the principal's office .

" 9 : 40 ??? God , i have my computer class and it's my batch today if I'm late she won't let me in ..... And I have to wait again for the whole week to get my turn " a girl beside me said , we always have this excitement to go for computer labs because the technology in front of us made us feel so happy and joyful we were let to draw anything, do anything with it but we were also made to learn some small topics too . I sigh when a thought came .

' I hope Sister would be so angry at us and tell us to sit here till afternoon for two reasons. First I have my most hated period which is maths and i didn't do my homework, second at least I won't have to face the demon '

i thought not at all sorry for the girls who wish to attend their computer class because luck was never on my side . If the girl wishes for it ? They'll surely get ! If I wish for it , it would never happen .

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