The silence, before storm.

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Authors POV :

Hayam sat on his regular seat like a boss he owns and his best friend Aryan brought his lunch to him.

Your Highness doesn't eat the canteen food instead he eats specially cooked by his only mom .

"Hm here take it " Aryan said sliding the plate towards him .

" I don't want to eat " he said .

" Come on my aunt made it so lovingly" he said . Listening to that Hayam just looked at him like he said something he shouldn't have .

"If you are so much concerned about MY mom , have it then !!! " he said, banging his hand on the table and stood up making the chair fall and ran out .

Aryan sighed not at all minding his friends behaviour because he was used to it , he pulled the plate near to him and started eating his food while talking with others.

" What happened to him ??? Who had the authority to slap him ??" One of his gang friends Henry asked .

"Don't mind him, you know how he is, " Aryan said , shrugging off and continued to eat .

On the other hand Hayam walked out of the school walking to the parking lot and got inside his car .

" I'll kill her !!! Dare she had those freaking guts to slap me !!" He said, banging his hand on his steering wheel.

"She'll pay for it !!  She has to !!!" He said breathing heavily, taking out his phone he called his person .

"Yes sir !!" The person replied as soon as he answered the call .

"I need the whole damn information about Hana Hayami, who studies in my school. Every single details what all she do and does in her life !!" He said and hung up . Throwing his phone back .

"A mere piece of shit has the audacity to slap me ??? If i didn't dare to cut that hand of yours I'll forever' change My name " he said , furiously.

The fact that he wasn't in his senses made it clear that he doesn't even know what he is talking about.

Starting his car he drove off the school , roaming around the city for sometime he finally stopped inside a mansion and got down not even concerned to  close the door as he walked inside the maid's bowed him in respect but he ignored.

Walking straight to her bedroom he opened the door and saw her sitting on the coach reading her novel , she smiled when she looked at him and kept her book aside .

He walked towards her and laid his head on her lap and turned to her stomach hiding his face , his  mother caressing his head softly giggling.

" What happened baby ??" She asked .

"Nothing" he said sulking.

"Then why are you pouting??" She asked ..

" I'm not !!" He said , hiding more against her stomach.

" Alright... I'll ask Aryan about it " she said , and he finally removed his head from her and sat properly turning towards her .

"You like Aryan more than your son !!! He likes you more than he likes his mother " he said , annoyed .

" But I love you right ??" She asked , and he melted hugging her . "Aww , my baby " she said .

"I'm not . I'm grown up now " he said .

"But you'll always be my baby " she said . He sighed and got apart from  her .

"What novel are you reading about this time ?" He asked , looking at it .

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