Proud Pride

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"please..., I beg you. I w-ant you Niel, I'll be alone -" he shook his head .

"No, Princess. You won't be ... I'm not leaving you anywhere, I'll always be with you . I'm still with you " he said .

"Stay then... Stay please " she begged closing her eyes and at each second her hold tightened. He took a long breath and moved his head from her holding her fist on his shirt .

"Look at me , Princess.... " He said , and she opened her eyes slowly looking at him .

"Please" she said, he removed her one hand slowly and kissed her palm , his eyes clearly shown the love he had and the sadness for which they are apart now, placing her hand on his cheek she caressed it .

"You're the bravest girl who I ever came across, and that made me attractive towards you. Made me fall for you. My babe is not a weak one she can manage anything and everything if said to be . And this time .... I'm saying this. "

He took a long shaky breath as if the word he's going to say is some words he wouldn't say even if he's dead but !!! He knows what's going to happen now . So he had to.

" Move on Princess " he said , making her look at him shocked.

"Leave the past, the future has so much for you, i never liked tears in your eyes i was fluttered when I saw you smiling, see you happy. The million dollar smile you have always made my heart stop .... I love the way you are , I loved you the way you were not like this !!.. I loved you for your smile and bubbly self. Sooo for me ??? If I meant something for you in this life ?? Have I ever meant something to you Princess??" He asked and she nodded muffling her tears stopping them to blur her sigh.

"If i ever was, then please do what I say ??? Think of this as my last wish .... Before going away completely, live your life like you lived before me , you were so happy and lively with your Pals before meeting me . I want my Hana to come back, i know it isn't easy to forget such a handsome man. But let's meet in another life ?? That time I won't let you go neither I'll go, this life has written something else for you ... Your destined to be with someone Princess, someone more perfect, more loveable than me , i want you to be happy babe . Will you do that for me ?? " He asked , and she just stared at him .

"I know you'll do that... I'm Proud of you Hana , a lot more proud than this . I am proud that i met you, you were my strength, you are my strength . You are my Pride, that pride when I walked I felt happily Proud thinking I have the bestest blessing in the whole World. .... So don't let it crush down, don't let my pride down, your my strength not my weakness, your someone I look up to when I feel down ... Never feel down . You're my Proud Pride ... Don't let it down " he said , with a different shine in his eye . And that didn't go unnoticed from her .

He came a bit closer and kissed her forehead.

Smiling for the last time he vanished in a thine air , her heart stopped when she saw him vanished she took a step forward but only to jerk up from her sleep feeling sweaty and a fast heart rhythm thumping in her chest .

She sighed and rested her head on the wall realising how calm she felt suddenly.

A single tear left from her eyes but she wiped it fast sniffing .

" Smile ? Move on ? Leave the past ?? Proud ? Pride ? .... Last wish ?? " She asked .

" you want this right ??! Sure " she said, getting up from her place walking towards her bed and went inside the covers covering herself properly she laid down closing her eyes ...

And letting her tears flow for the one last time for him .


The next day Hana woke up by her own ... Getting a fresh bath she came out of the bathroom walking towards the closet she took something comfortable and went inside changing it . When she came out of the bathroom wearing her clothes she stood in front of the mirror and looked at herself, dark circles big puffy eyes red nose. And she looked skinny a lot but what she minded was .

Destined. To Reunite Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora