Robots in the Company

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"Woo 111 .. doesn't that mean encourage individuals to take risks and welcome fresh experiences in their relationships ?? But it's my First step towards the job not a relationship " she said, as she walked in the lift but soon it was halted when it was about to get close and a girl entered smiling ..

"Aish thank you, i was about to get late " she said , and Hana nodded.

"So ? Which department do you work ?? I have never seen you before " she asked, smiling.

"Ah, actually it's my first day .. new employee " Hana said .

"Omoo, jin jahh ?? (Really ) Congratulations then, you have got selected in the top most company best of luck for your journey" she said . Showing her two thumbs up.

"Thank you, but let me assume that you are also a kdrama addict " she said, smiling .

"Are you ??" The girl asked. And Hana nodded.

"Woo, nice to meet you then hii I'm Sana Zaki , Zaki is my husband's name and i work in the financial department " she said extending her hand. And Hana was shocked

"Nice to meet you. You don't look married at all.. i -i mean that's for the compliment, I'm Hana Hayami... I guess I'll be working there too " Hana said

"It's alright, i have heard a lot of those lines " Sana said , when the lift opened walking out both together.

"Erm, Sana may i know where the HR office is ??" Hana asked .

"Ah sure.. come let me escort you " she said , making her walk towards the office and leave telling her bye.

Hana knocked at the door and came in when a voice echoed telling her to enter.

When she entered the mess the HR room had made her look in surprise.

"Yes ?? Wh-... Ohhh !! You're finally here ?? Come sit down . I was waiting for you " the Manager said, making hana think what he just said but sat anyway.

"Your appointment letter?" He asked, and she handed it over to him .

"Okayy.. you're on time , but yet late a bit . Stand up and go to the ceo's office he's calling you " he said, in a hurry . Finding something in the process.

"CEO ??? sir but-" Hana was cut off.

" But ?? There is no but and try words in this company... Remember this okay ?? We soon have an investor meeting the CEO needs you . Go fast , or else his anger you don't know" the manager said .

" But sir ...what is my work ?? And where should I work . I mean my place ?" She asked.

" The Chief executive officer will tell you what work you have to do and where .. go before you lose this job !! My assistant ?? Who is out there he'll escort you . And yes !! Do tell Mr. Abadi . that the project is ready for the meeting and will be in half an hour " he said , and Hana just nodded not understanding anything.

Walking out of the room she unconsciously bumped into someone making the files drop down

"Shit, I'm sorry.. i didn't see " Hana said, bending down and picking up the files ..

"No problem.. it's alright " the person said .

When Hana looked at the person's voice she stood up bowing and handing him his files.

"Ahh, Good Morning Sir. " She said, smiling realising a familiar face.

"Good Morning to you too Miss Hayami right?? Welcome to BRK " He said , and Hana smiled.

It was the same person who she was interviewed for. The male interviewer.

"Thank you sir..." Hana said .

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