Peaceful Pill

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It was Afternoon when Sana approached Hana's desk .

"Girl come on, let's go.. I'm hungry" Sana said leaning on her desk .

"Two minutes more, let me email this to him" Hana said , when she was done they walked away to the cafeteria to have their lunch.

On the table while they were having Cyril asked.

"Didn't you say you would talk about your transfer?" He asked.

"Yea I'm just waiting for the right time .. and I still have some days to end my contact" she said , and he nodded.

"Okay listen here , i have an announcement" Sana said .

" All ears " Hana said , while taking some bites of her food.

" I'm pregnant " she said . And Hana Choked on her food .

"W-hat ?? Really??" She asked, excited.

"Damn, remind me how many years you have been married for ??" Cyril asked.

"5 years .. and finally " she said, happily.

"I'm happy for you ... Do we get to know the boy or girl now itself??" Hana asked.

"Most doctors schedule an ultrasound at around 8 to 21 weeks, but the sex may be determined by ultrasound as early as 14 weeks . It's not always 100 percent accurate, though.  The  baby might be in an awkward position, which makes it difficult to clearly see the genitals" Sana explained.

" Okayy.. that was too much information, but how was Zaki's reaction??" Hana asked.

"He was on cloud nine, seriously. We have been trying for some months now. And thank God, it's finally time " she said, blushing and getting a bit emotional.

" Aish, don't get centy and all.. you should be happy now, it'll affect the baby isn't it Cyril ?" Hana asked.

"I don't know, i was never pregnant " he said . And Hana slapped his shoulder who was sitting beside her .

" Leave him, when will the baby shower ?? I never attended one " Hana said, excited.

" Baby showers can be held at any point but are typically held four to six weeks before the baby's due date." Sana said .

"That's long.. " Hana said .

"You can experience yourself too Hana, I can already imagine you with a big bump holding my hand , asking for different types of food " he joked, not knowing how was listening from a bit of distance.

"For your kind information ?? First I'm not planning to get married any soon, second why will I hold your hand .. I'll hold my kids father's hand , and someone said he knows nothing about pregnancy ?? Right Sana ??" Hana asked.

" Right... But sometimes I do think , Cyril secretly has a wife , i sense that " Sana said .

" Really?? I felt the same " Hana said .

" Okay now stop, that's going far . I'm still dying single " he said , resting his head on Hana's shoulder. And she laughed .

"Should I help you with something ??" Hana asked.

"Yeah get him a donkey, he'll be happy " Sana said, munching her chocolate.

" Don't listen to her Find me someone who is just like you " he said , lifting his head and looking at Hana their breaths were mingling for sure but that closeness was making hana uncomfortable.

She was about to push him when a hand pulled cyril's collar making him get up from his seat itself and pushed him a bit far .

Leaving his collar The CEO , none other than Hayam looked at Hana placing his hands inside his pocket he looked sharp at her a bit more than angry .

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