Her plan

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She opened her eyes and looked around , she didn't even know when  she fell asleep .

Gulping down she looked up at the sky ... And a single tear lift from her eyes,

" How can I forget you ?? When you keep on coming into my mind ???  memories ???.  Memories ~ . Why did you handle everything ??? You could have handled it when I was in front of you Why did you do good things behind my back and bad in front of me ??, didn't you want me to praise you ?? Show you how proud I was to be with you ?? Come on Hayam  I never knew you could leave me like this hanging. I don't know , i don't know about my feelings or emotions. But it hurts to feel like this . It hurts when i remember you . I-it hurts when I think about you , and why does this heart always cries to see you There was nothing between us , N-nothing right ?? Why do U have to go away ?? Those scenes still rewind like it was just yesterday. It's been 8 years . For God sake it's been 8 years, i cannot get you out of my head .... Damn i cannot live my life like this right ??.... I need answers, i need to find you . I need things which will make me calm down . I want peace for my heart, I'm  done ignoring the fact that i feel discomfort in your absence, I'm done acting like i don't care about you missing.  I'm done acting like i don't need you . Im-I'm, .... I'm done acting like i don't miss your face , i -i want to see you Hayam, H-hya-amm!!!! God , i don't want to accept the fact that ... I -i-i' l-ike " and the Power went off .

Making her shiver suddenly, the glass window on top of her house started making noise she looked up at the starry night, with black clouds to see water pouring on it ....

The rain droplets started to pour heavily and a sudden huge thunder sounded. Making her scream loudly and jump in fear . She covered her ears and closed her eyes and mumbled something which she herself didn't understand.

"N-no, .. G-,od . This cannot be h-happ-pen-ing  now . I cannot let this go - no !!.. somebody help me , li-ght, ??. Phone , yeah phone " she said. And stood up searching for her phone on the study table .

When she was finding her phone blankly , again the thunder shattered loudly making her shudder , she breathed out trying to calm herself down and her shivery hands weren't helping either. She felt like her anxiety was growing in and her heart started to beat fast, feeling cold suddenly and her vision getting blurred she tried making her sight clear when a voice called her from behind.

" Hun ??" The voice called .

She turned back when she heard a familiar voice , and when she did . She stumbled back holding the table behind being stunned to see who was standing in front of her.

"H-hyam??" She called him, and he smiled .

A comforting smile which she longed to see , she smiled and ran jumping on him wrapping her hands around his neck , she hugged him tight and started to cry loudly. 

"W-here were you ??, you know how much I missed you ?? D-dont go away from me . Please, don't go . I cannot live like this " she said , in between her tears , she rubbed her face in his neck pulling him close. he wrapped his hand firmly around her waist and kissed her head.

" Did My Hun miss me soo much ??" He asked , and she nodded.

" I'm missing you too Hun . A lot , " he said sadness in his voice .

She pulled out her face and looked at him seeing if he was really there or not when she saw he was still there she hugged him again, he chuckled and held her waist tightly sitting on the bed with her still in his arms .

"Look at me Hun " he said, and she did .

He removed his hands from her waist and cupped her face , wiping her face with his hands he smiled and she closed her eyes letting herself feel his warmth leaning into his hands he looked at her so lovingly yet so distressed .

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