The Plan

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"so ?? Is my boyfriend allowed to come to your engagement ??" Hana asked .

" Yess, I still haven't issued the cards for friends I was anyway deciding to tell him too of course " aaniya said .

" No, but seriously.... Are you happy with this engagement ?? Because we can clearly see you aren't" inaya said .

"I am guys" aaniya said , smiling .

"Alright... Before you become someone else, reveal one secret of your " tamia asked ."not just you let's do that together, like never ever I have ???" She asked , and everyone cheered.

" Okay me first ... " Rui said. "Never have I ever smoked" she said , and saanvi coughed.... Drinking Coca-Cola.

"What !!!??? When ??" Rui asked .

"Erm, i-in high school. Just tried once that's all. It's sucky guys really.... it tastes like Ash " she Said, sneering.

"That's what it is Saanvi , burn the weed and smoke it's ash " rui said . And she rolled her eyes nodding.

"Okay..Hana it's your turn " inaya said .

"Erm, never have I ever kissed someone" she said .

"What ?? Aren't you in a relationship??" Saanvi asked .

" Yes .  " She said .

" Then you guys haven't kissed yet ?? We all have kissed except aaniya here right aaniya -" when Saanvi turned towards her they saw her drinking her coca cola Everyone else went wide seeing the silent killers innocence was revealed.


"Goshhhh!!! Impossible " Rui gasped dramatically. They all asked at a time

"I tell you , this group should be named as 'closemouthed Prudents'... " She said sipping her cock and eating her burrito.

"Speak out aan!!! " Hana yell. She looked at them and sighed ,

" The day i revealed I'm getting engaged. In the empty class room at nearly 2 in the afternoon, i don't remember the day ." She said .

"With Who !!!!"  They all asked in unison in curiosity. She sighed again and closed her eyes opening them again.

" Hassan " she said , and everyone gasped .

Rui almost spit out  her coca cola from her mouth but inhales coughing loudly.

"W-what!!!??? It would have been okay if you had said some random stranger on the road but -".Meera asked but was cut off

"HASSAN !!..??? "  Tamia yelled again, closing her mouth.

" And yet they say 'we ?? And he ? Her .. love ?? Dating ??' " Saanvi mimicked.

"Then why don't you guys accept that you guys love each?? " Inaya asked.

" Go ask him !!.. " aaniya said , sulking.

"I confessed to him yet that jerk isn't ready to confess , and on top of that he blackmailed me saying that I shouldn't dare to become someone else other than him !! Isn't he an a** hole ??? " Aaniya said , making everyone surprised.

"Y-you confessed??" Tamia asked .

"I knew it !!" Hana said.

"Damn, why don't I know anything !!??" Rui cried.

"Guys stop over reacting!!! We have to stop this engagement at any cost We cannot let this love story be a dry one ?? Right ??" Saanvi said . And everyone nodded.

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