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Sometimes the door closes on a relationship, not because we failed . But because something bigger than us says this no longer fits our life. So lock the door, shed a tear , turn around and look for the new door that's opened.

It's the sign that you're no longer that person you were , it's time to change into who you are .... And it's going to be okay though it'll take time .

Because letting go of someone we love is the hardest thing we'll ever do. Neither we can push ourselves, nor we can end it by forgetting all once. We can just try . Try to engulf in the surroundings we are in and let the time heal us , let the time take its own time .


"Is he alright now ???" Mr.Gren asked the doctor, and in return the doctor sighed.

"I don't know why i don't get it. an irregular heartbeat suddenly. It occurs when the electrical signals that tell the heart to beat don't work properly but we never found any inconsistency or heartbeat. He just gets the symptoms of Heart arrhythmia like  fluttering, pounding or racing heartbeat. The reason i ignored his health is because in some cases heart arrhythmias aren't harmful, but what happened today ?? Made my perspective change... Look at this x-ray scans of his heart and the other is of an serious heart arrhythmias scar, not a single tissue or problem can be similaries between each . Yet he only shows symptoms..." The doctor said , sighing turning towards Mr.Gren

"What can we do for it to not cause any serious issues ??? Any prevention??? Because it's been frequent these days " Mr.Gren said .

" *Sighing ....* We have only one way left now where we can douch the symptoms is to tell him to take those meds not just when he feels his chest pain or  A fluttering, pounding or racing feeling in the chest, fast heartbeat,  slow heartbeat, Chest pain. Shortness of breath, anxiety , Feeling very tired. Lightheadedness or dizziness, Sweating, Fainting or almost fainting... Or any other things but rather tell him to take everyday from now on. Don't let him stress out, bring him out from his personal space... And, that's all we can do " the doctor ended.

Mr. Gren nodded standing up from the chair and exited his cabin with a soft smile thanking him , he walked Towards the room where Hayam was now laying with an oxygen pipe on his mouth helping him to breath properly.

Thankfully he was alright now, but what happened yesterday afternoon made Mr. Gren shivered and he sat down on the chair waiting for him to get his conscious back because he really wanted to discuss something important with him .


Feeling an immense pain Hana tried opening her eyes, as she did she felt her headache like a heavy rock had been fallen upon her making her body yell in pain , she groan in pain ... Trying to get up when the person sitting next to her helped her get up

"Hana ??? Your awake?? Come on I'll help you " rui said .

" Ah-" Hana yelp , holding her head and sat up. Leaving a heavy hot breath out she felt her body pain like hell ...

"What happened ?? Why am I feeling so weak ??" She asked, rui sat beside her and held her hand.

"It's alright, Hana .. we are here " she said , feeling her eyes filled up slowly.

Hana looked at her confused to see her looking pale and with a black knee length dress.

"W-hat happened??" She asked, trying to process everything.

" N-nothin-" rui was cut off when Hana suddenly gasped loudly..

Hana looked at her with her wide eyes covering her mouth which were already starting to shake, but she suddenly lift her duvet up , and jumped out from her bed walking out of the room and into the dining hall where she saw her friends and all discussing something . What made her more sacred was the 'black outfit's' she looked at them trembling.  Saanvi came running towards her and so did others.

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