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" Hiiii, how are you buddies??" She yelled .

" Who's the guy ?? Show me your home . Or else I'll be there within a few hours , i swear " Ilahi said .

" Calm down, Ilahi. .... The guy Maahi was saying was. Xavier Niel, a sweet , and dreamy guy . A lot innocent then he seems , good character. Good sense of humour, studies in my college , he's my senior and is-"

" When did you start dating ??" He asked .

" Just today " she said .

" And you already brought him to your Home ?? I never thought of you -"

" Ilahi !!, you think of me like that ?? Damn, we had a fight in the evening and he left from there he just came here to apologise that's all guys. You guys are too dramatic " she said .

" Swear on your weight " maahi said .

" I swear on my weight " she said showing her three fingers up .

" Good then, don't do anything before graduation. He has to meet us first then -"

" Oppa !!!, I'm hanging up . Good night" she said and hung up taking it and running up to her bed , she jumped on it .

" Why does it feel like we are together for a long time ?? Though it's just the first day of our dating " she said to herself.

" Like, a real Relationship. God !!! I'm in a relationship finally ?? Finally !!!! . Wait !, Aryan??? " She asked and gasped closing her mouth.

" He wasn't in the cafeteria too , did he know about it ??" She asked .

" I'll explain to him " she said and nodded to herself.


The next day Hana woke up freshening up , she did some fast breakfast and walked out of her house riding off her bike .

Parking her bike she walked inside the campus, as she walked through the corridors she was in a good mood ....

But the mood became more enlightening when she saw him , her boyfriend .

He waved at her and opened his arms wide , she smiled running towards him and jumped on him hugging a tight hug from his neck wrapping her legs around his waist he held her tightly by her waist .

Seeing them, anybody could say that 'they missed each other' the students around them looked at them in awe , feeling flustered seeing them silently giggling they walked away.

" Did My Babe miss me so much ??" He asked , listening to the babe word she felt butterflies her smile was about to vanish when he said

"don't let that smile drop Princess. You don't know what that smile holds" he said making her smile more .

" May I know, What does it hold ??" She asked .

" My breath " he said , gazing at her eyes.

Her smile dropped when she heard him say that, her heart was beating in an unusual rhythm she didn't know he was developing feelings for her so fast , she can clearly see that in his eyes.

He's going crazy about her ...which made her a bit uneasy to see such carzness in someone's eyes but that's when she realised their position of hugging . She gulped down and said .

" Niel " she called out , feeling his breath on her nose and lips .

" Hm " he hmm, asking her to continue.

" All are looking at us " she said , looking around.

" So ??" He asked .

" Put me down, we we - might "

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