First Day

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"So ?? Hana right ??' the male interviewer asked . And Hana nodded with an awkward smile .

"Please feel at easy Miss.. " the female interviewer said smiling. And again Hana nodded making the two interviewers look at each other.

" So ?? Tell us about yourself " the male one asked.

" Huhh??" And everything went blank, the videos she saw, the things her brothers said how to react how to answer everything was gone from her Brain.

She panicked feeling her heart beat fast and hands sweaty, she gulped down .. before opening her mouth ...

"I think you need this .. please" the interviewer said, extending the glass of water and hana didn't hesitate a sec to think before gulping down .

"Thank you " she bowed 90° 'side effect of kdrama' . She sat down on the chair .

" Are you okay now miss ??" The female asked.

"Yes" Hana said.

"Okayy.. let's start the interview then " the male said.

"Tell Us about your strength and why we should hire you ??" He asked.

" I won't go far more, but I have noticed and people have pointed out to me that I'm a great negotiator, a peacemaker... And can handle work under any pressure. The sole reason why you should hire me is that I can give my whole time and my hard work to rise towards the company's welfare and development. I can bring things to those points where some couldn't." She said , as her brother told her about herself.

"Okay.. but you have written here that you want to work as an accountant or in a finance department . How will your strength help us in it ??" The female asked, and Hana smiled.

"As I said, I'm a great negotiator... i Can direct people to where they can get profited. As soon as I can imagine myself as a finance manager I can easily make our clients agree to invest in our company or buy any share. Which can be perfectly approved and be profited to the organisation " Hana said, making them understand her point of view. And the interviewers nodded.

" If we would hire you ?? What salary do you expect from us ?? And Are you a team player ? can you get adjusted to the environment soon if we tell you to shift your work ? " The male asked.

" As I'm building my base now, I would go with the market salary which is screened. And yes I'm a team player i love working in teams ... And about the company switch? if you're asking about it, if I'm not wrong ?? Of course, yes, but the decision should always be based on 2 basic criteria, no matter if i switch after a decade or in a few months of joining your company. I would like to know first what this new company is offering me which is missing in my current organization? Like Monetary benefits, Learning and growth opportunities, Work environment, Better technology/domain to work on, Job security etc .. secondly If I'm switching from a lower-tier company to a higher-tier company there should not be a second thought about the switch timing. " She said , ending with keeping her hands back to her lap after explaining...

The Male Interviewer smiled listening to her and nodded writing down something.

"Okay then , we are done ... You'll get to know if you could join us soon . If you have any questions you may ask " the female said .

"Thank you mam, i would like to know this ... If I'm selected when will I get my letter ?? And when should I start working ?? Will I get my pay at the start of the month or end ?? And what work will I have to do ?? I mean .. will I be hired as a trainee or a full time permanent job ?? Will I have to write any exams if I get selected as a trainee. And lastly does the company provide job security ?? A permanent contact? If yes for how many years ?? " She asked,. Not just one question. But questions with questions.

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