She could never forget that day in her whole life , that lifeless body those words he promised, those wishes he wished to have with her, those moments.

Everything was clear crystal in her mind. Though everyone had forgotten about it never would she forget that day .

She removed her hand from her mouth and let it slide down keeping it on her lap she laid down her head on the table and closed her eyes .

"How can someone be so special and precious??? I feel like I would do anything just to make you smile, just to make you happy. You're the best thing happened to me Hana , the best thing . The very best thing . i wish to spend my whole life with you ... I wish to see you everyday when I wake up, i wish to see you cook me food everyday, your handmade food, Feeding me , playing with me... I wis-h . L-let's fulfill everything , let's start our journey Hana"

His words and his voice ringed in her mind fresh and clear, she herself was astonished how she remembered everything with his voice but she was glad she did .

She still remembers him sulking when he saw the rooftop building stairs, she still remembers their favourite place under the tree on the bench , she still remembers how he took care of her when she was in the periods. She still remembers how he loved her , how he showed her what love is , what care is , what happiness is .. and what love is without a confession.

She still regrets how she saw that message after 3 month's a text from him , she lost died thinking he's alive if not her friends showed her the date she was so blinded of his absence that seeing his text made her feel how she wish to be with him again , how she wished to hear those words from him .

He wanted so eagerly to take their relationship to the next level and tell her he loved her but destiny didn't want that ...

It didn't want Hana to remember his voice saying her he loved her, she still keeps that phone . Those pictures , these memories.. no matter how much you try to move on at some point , at some stage your past will hit you like a bullet and all the strength you have gathered to accept it will crush down in some seconds.

She let out a loud cry feeling her heart ache, cursing for the wrong time !!. Cursing her faith. Asking God why did he do that to her . They were so perfect . Then why ??? Banging her hand again and again she was heartbroken again, again... Cried even after promising him and herself.

But there was no one by her side like back years , she have to control herself and get a grip of herself. She cannot just cry her whole life ?? Right.

Some minutes passed away when she controlled herself and reminded herself she's in her workplace, she opened her eyes and blinked inhaling a sharp breath she let out a sigh .

Lifting her head up she sat there zoning out again her heart skipped when she heard the sound of shoes marching , she stood up when she saw Mr. Abadi the chairman coming to her way along with Hayam , the COO , the Hr , and some directors... And beside Mr.Abadi stood her wife Mrs. Abadi smiling and beside her the new CEO.

" Are you alright Miss Hayami ??? " Mr.Abadi asked, and Hana's eyes shifted from hayam to his father.

"Ah? I -im . Yes yes sir. I'm alright" she said smiling .

"You sure ?? Because I can clearly see your face wet " the chairman said, and Hana gasped while wiping her face and smiling .

The chair shook his head and turned back but not for a sec Hayam's eyes blinked seeing her face and eyes red like blood he had a sad neutral look on his face looking at her and she did her best ignoring his gaze .

' Her nose still goes red whenever she cries '
Hayam said to himself.

"Alright, we'll see you all tomorrow. Today is an exception in the honour of my son finally taking his responsibilities..." The chairman said to the directors and the manager. And they squealed nodded and walked away.

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