Chapter 148 - A New Lead

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   The calm had subsided after Conan's intervention. Kogoro sighed before speaking again.
   -The problem is how to find him from this video...
   -It's probably in some hotel room but... Katsumichi began.
   -Since it involves a guest's private life, hotels refuse to give out any information... Jōhei finished.
   -What's more, to avoid being recognised, he had to register under a false name and keep his glasses on... Ryusuke surmised.

   Conan and Yoko climbed back onto the back of the sofa to look at the computer where the video of the game designer was still on.
   -Did he leave with a lot of stuff? asked the former high school student. If he took anything in particular...
   -Erm... His assistants told me that he left with his laptop and several data discs. He put everything in his briefcase and left... Explained the man with the glasses.
   -So... We could call the hotels and pretend to be Itakura-san, couldn't we? suggested the young girl.
   -As if the hotel staff would remember him... grumbled the detective.
   -But not everyone asks for a set of chess, go and shogi! she said in a slightly annoyed voice.
   There was a moment's silence, just long enough for Kogoro to realise this. He then called the hotels, and after a few minutes managed to get some information on the man he was looking for. Hotel New Beika, room 204.

   Everyone was at the door of Itakura's hotel room, ringing the bell. There was no answer.
   -That's strange... there's a "Do not disturb" label on his door... Kogoro finally said.
   Maybe he just doesn't want to open it...
   Conan looked around before going over to someone working in the hotel, who had just opened the door for someone.
   -Excuse me oji-san! Could you open our door too? Our friend must have forgotten that we were coming to see him and gone out... Hurry up! Otherwise I'm gonna pee my trousers!
   But him sometimes...
   The man agreed and opened the door to Itakura's room. The group entered.

   -You're clever, my boy! complimented one of the three customers.
   -I thought that if Itakura-san saw us all waiting outside his door, he might run away. And then, if we waited for him inside, it would be an even bigger surprise! explained the young detective.
   -You know, kid... I don't think we'll have long to wait... I think he's fallen asleep on his desk in the middle of his work... announced the fair-haired man.
   Yoko snuck over to see where the desk was. Irakura was indeed there, head on the table. But something wasn't right.
   His arms...
   Staring at the man, the young girl saw that his arms were strangely positioned. Instead of being on the desk or falling down, they were pointing more towards his body.
   She stopped two of the three customers from approaching. Conan realised something was wrong.

   She moved closer to herself, and the first thing she decided to look at was the position of her arms. The hands were towards her heart.
   Don't tell me...
   -Kogoro-oji-san... There's something wrong with the man! she said in a childish voice.
   The man came closer and looked at Itakura, before touching him.
   -Ran! Call the police! he ordered.
   -Why?" asked one of the customers. asked one of the customers.
   -He's dead... It's been over a day already...

   To everyone's astonishment, Conan moved closer. He exchanged glances with Yoko. The new lead that could lead them to the organisation had disappeared.
   -But why...? asked Jōhei.
   -Most likely a heart attack... Take a look! On his desk, there's a box of heart medication knocked over. He must have been taken by surprise by the heart attack. He tried to take his medicine, but in his panic he couldn't and died... Kogoro explained.

   The boy in glasses quickly inspected the body. His sister looked at him, a little saddened when he took on an expression somewhere between anger, frustration and sadness.
   Suddenly, the former schoolboy noticed something. Yoko turned her gaze towards it.
   A diary in a disc... Oe... Don't tell me he...
   As she'd guessed, her brother got up and approached the disk. When he reached out to grab it, the girl with the glasses stopped him. Surprised, he looked her straight in the eye. She simply shook her head before indicating that she had to be careful with Kogoro. She knew that he would never let the two rejuvenated teenagers help themselves to things at a crime scene.
   -So what! Since when are we allowed to go through a dead man's belongings? shouted the former policeman as he grabbed the two children by the collar.
   He threw them further away.
   -I told you... If you use it like that... Yoko snorted.
   -I've got to have a look at that paper! whispered Conan.
   -In the meantime, you've got other things to look into! If you want, I can take care of the disk!
   She stared into his eyes for a long time. She was right. He had to take care of the case. And she would take care of the diskette.

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