Chapter 152 - Itakura's Diary

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   The two children had just arrived in front of Agasa's house. They entered quickly.
   -Ah! Shinichi! You've come at just the right time! It's been a long time, but here's a new invention at last! announced the scientist. And what's more, I've made you a spare pair of radar glasses. Now you won't have to worry about your battery running down.
   Yoko took off her shoes and didn't take the time to put on her slippers.
   -There's no time for that... she muttered.
   -Time for that?
   Conan nodded in agreement.
   -Where's Haibara? he asked.
   -Ai-kun? She's in the bath... replied the man.
   -That's perfect! It's perfect timing!
   The detective wanted to take advantage of her absence to read the diskette. That way he wouldn't worry her.
   -Perfect timing'?! You're not planning to go and look at it, are you? Agasa almost shouted.
   The girl in glasses sighed.
   -You're really stupid, Hakase... she shouted.

   Conan had explained the location to his former neighbour. He had then taken a seat in front of the computer and was looking through the newspaper to find the period when Tequila had come. Yoko was right next to him.
   -Voila! That's it! Seven March - the tall man with the western accent turned up unannounced. He was obviously interested in the software I was developing, but when he found out I'd stopped the project because of my eyesight problems, he left without saying anything more... He was dressed head to toe in black. I don't want to see him again. Read the young boy.
   -No doubt it's Tequila... sighed the former schoolgirl
   The two rejuvenated teenagers ended up sighing at the same time. There was no other information about the organisation.
   So much for that...
   -All we've learnt is that the organisation was interested in some software Itakura-san was developing... purred the kid with glasses.
   -In any case, this Itakura-san seems to be a bit strange... Have you seen the spaces he leaves between each day of his diary! Agasa remarked. I'd be embarrassed, I'd have to delete them...

   Indeed, there were long spaces between each day. It was indeed strange.
   He wrote in white?
   Conan also quickly understood what that meant.
   -If you select this empty space with the mouse, the selection goes into negative and...
   At the same time, he did what he'd said about the newspaper. The texts appeared. So he wanted to hide part of his diary, and it concerned the organisation.

   The young man resumed reading.
   -Twenty-six March - my pen has moved another five centimetres on my desk. I think someone's hiding in my office. Fifteenth April - this time it happened at home, someone... The police don't want to come... I've got no trace of an intruder in my house so I can't do anything. Eleven June - I changed the key and installed surveillance cameras, but it was no use. Sixth July - Who's there?! Show yourself!
   Yoko didn't interrupt. She was paying close attention to what her brother was reading. She didn't know what to think.
   -Nineteen December - I'm tired... If it goes on like this, I might get killed. Sixth January - To put an end to the terror that's overtaking me, I slipped a message into the desk drawer for my intruder... "I'll do whatever you want".

   On the eighth of January, Itakura explained that he had received their reply with a number. By the twenty-third, he had finally called that number. It was a woman who answered, ordering him to continue with the software. On the twenty-second of December, he no longer wanted to continue with the software. He had stopped it for his own sake... and above all for the good of humanity.
   What does he mean by that?
   On the ninth of February, he explained that he was planning to go abroad.
   -Are you all right, Yoko? Conan asked, noticing that her fists were clenched.
   -I'm fine, don't worry. I'm just wondering...
   You're pretty tense yourself...
   -All right, then. In that case, I'll finish... February 10th - What do they want to do with this software? I can't forget that woman's strange words the first time I phoned... Yes... Faced with her words and her threats, I couldn't contain a "Who do you think you are? She replied, laughing, in English... We can be both of god and the devil.Since we're trying to raison the dead against the stream of time.

   Everyone tensed up at these last words.
   -We can be both God and the devil because... Translates the detective.
   -We're trying to raise the dead against the stream of time. Ai finished.
   All three gasped.
   -Haibara! Don't scare me like that again! Yoko sighed.
   She hadn't expected the arrival of the former member of the organisation.

   The redhead immediately asked what the text was. When Agasa lied so as not to worry her, the girl in glasses unconsciously looked away for a second.
   She'll panic if we tell her... I don't like the way this is going either, I hope it all works out...
   She discreetly picked up the newspaper and put it back in her pocket. It was better for her to keep it with her.

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