Chapter 73 - Injury

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   -What on earth are you doing in a place like this? We were really worried! Ran shouted
   Well... You were very worried...

   After Conan and Heiji had gone off to investigate in their own corner, Ran had become worried. She and Kogoro, accompanied by Yoko and Kazuha, went in search of the detectives, with the help of a policeman. After a while, the man escorting the boys called to say where they were.

   The group were talking. Conan wanted to stay with Heiji to investigate. Yoko listened in silence.
   If I do, Ran will kill me... But I want to...
   The young girl had only one desire. The detective from the west was going to go and investigate on his own and she wanted to get to the bottom of it.
   -I'm going to the toilet, I'll meet you at the car! Announced the brunette with the glasses, moving away from the group.
   She ran to the exit, then the former schoolgirl headed for the car they'd had all afternoon before the murder. She pulled the door handle.
   Luckily, the car was unlocked. She climbed into the back seat and pressed herself against the front, being on the ground. The blackness of the night would camouflage her a little more.
   It would have been better with a blanket...

   -Don't worry! I won't let anyone fool around in Osaka any more! I promise!
   Heiji got into the car and started off. Yoko felt the car roll away, but as long as it wasn't far away, she couldn't show herself. She kept still and breathed softly, so as not to be overheard.
   When she was sure she was well away from Ran, she moved. This attracted the detective's attention.
   -Boo !
   -Haa! Silly girl! What are you doing here?!
   -I wanted to come with you! she replied, settling into one of the seats.

   The policeman looked at the smiling girl through the rear-view mirror, wondering what to do. Now that they were a long way from where they'd left, he couldn't give her a lift. The bespectacled girl was proud of herself.
   -Where are we going? she asked in a childish voice.
   -To a member of parliament. But you're staying here! replied Heiji
   -Yeah, yeah...
   The car continued to drive through the streets of Osaka.

   -Didn't I ask you to stay in the car?
   -I didn't really want to obey you... And I told Ran I was with you!
   Heiji and Yoko waited for the men working for the MP to return.
  The young girl had taken a photo of the victims from the schoolboy. She didn't know what had happened during the long afternoon, apart from the existence of the photo.
   -Say, Hattori-kun... Don't you think this guy looks a bit like a policeman, minus the glasses?
   The detective turned his attention to this detail. He knew that Yoko had good powers of observation, as proven by previous investigations. And she was right. Suspicion could no longer hang over the MP.

   After chatting with the men, Heiji left, heading for the warehouse.
   -Come with me if you like, but stay outside!
   The girl nodded reluctantly. She put on her hood because of the falling rain.
   -Can you warn Kudo?
   She stopped, watching the boy continue on his way. Then she grabbed her phone to warn Conan.
   -Conan: "What? Did you just figure that out? So I phoned for nothing...
   Yoko couldn't help but sigh. Her brother thanked her anyway, knowing now that his friend and rival was going to arrest the criminal.

   As the brunette hung up, a gunshot rang out.
   Crap! That didn't turn out too badly!
   She rushed to the warehouse and entered. Heiji and the policeman were fighting, one trying to take the gun away from the other. There was another gunshot, which startled the former high school student. She ran towards the boys to get the gun away.
   -Stop! she shouted.
   Taking advantage of the moment of inadvertence she had caused, she snatched the gun out of her hands and threw it further away. She hoped neither of them had been hurt.

   The ambulance had arrived. There were also the police, accompanied by Ran, Kazuha, Kogoro and Conan. Yoko had had a fight with Ran, because of the danger she'd put herself in.
   If it hadn't been for me, someone would have died!
   The only two bullets that had been fired had hit the murderer's knee and Heiji's stomach. She had managed to apply first aid, giving priority to the detective. She hadn't done this out of preference, but out of fear. Fear that he would end up like Haibara's sister.
   At least he's all right...
   Heiji was currently arguing with Kazuha as he was being wheeled into the ambulance.

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