Chapter 27 - The Luminous Fish

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   Arriving at the building, followed by her classmates, Yoko looked around. She wanted to check that no one was following them. Then she climbed floor by floor, using the fire escapes and stopping to check that she was looking at the right angle.
   -And there's our famous luminous fish! announced the former schoolgirl

   The reflection of the neon lights made a perfect symmetry on the water, giving the shape of the fish, identical to the drawing. Or almost. The eye was in the wrong place. The girl in glasses therefore took a few steps backwards, until a lamppost between the neon lights was positioned exactly as in the picture. Then she looked up. A mass stood out in the half-light.
   -It's right here!
   -Where?! Genta exclaimed.
   The three children started looking everywhere.
   -How could they find it? Aren't there any lights in here? Ayumi complained.
   It's true that I've got a better view than them... Bah... let them look some more... they'll learn to look up at the sky like that... thought Yoko, laughing to herself.

    -A coin! cried Mitsuhiko, after stepping on something and picking it up.
   While the group of children were still searching, footsteps were heard. Three men arrived at the door where the group had entered.
   -Nice work, kids! We were right to follow you. said a well-dressed man with a black moustache and beard. Now, leave yourselves nicely tied up while you find the pieces. he finished as his two acolytes pulled a rope from their pockets.

   Yoko stood in front of the children, but they were still tied up. The ropes connected each child.
   -Now, tell us where the coins are hidden!
   -... You're the Italian gang, aren't you? And these coins are the ones you stole with the one who got arrested? she asked, her stomach churning.
   -How do you know, Yoko-chan? Ayumi asked
   -I read it on TV! What's more, they've been following us for ages!
   -You know a lot, kiddo! That's us! When we found Capane, the one who was arrested, he didn't say anything about hiding the coins! We just found this piece of paper.
   Yoko gritted her teeth. The criminal pulled out a gun and pointed it at the girl's head, asking her where the coins were.
   -... Somewhere above your head... I don't know exactly where yet...

   She had to save time. She already had a little idea in her head. The man walked away, smiling.
   -Help me free Ayumi-chan! she ordered, in a low voice, as she began to bite the rope.
   -But it's going to take time! Mitsuhiko remarked
   If I can cut at least one link... if I can find a piece of glass...
   She looked around, hoping to find something.
   Oh yes! My glasses!

   She tried to pull them out with her knees before leaving them on the floor.
   -Listen up! I'm going to free Ayumi-chan! Genta-kun, seeing as you're more... corpulent... you'll act as if you're hiding her to protect her! Mitsuhiko, act normally! she whispered
   -And what should I do? Ayumi asked worriedly
   You'll warn the first passer-by you see! He'll call the police! Try to be discreet when you leave! As for me, I'm going to create a diversion...
   Before anyone could say anything, she broke one of the lenses of her glasses and cut the rope. She gestured to her position as she had said. After checking that Ayumi was far away, she tried to call one of the gang members.

   -Excuse me! I remembered something... um... well... I think I know where the money is...
   The one who seemed to be leading the group approached.
   -Untie me! I'll show you! ordered Yoko
   -I hope you're not lying to me! the criminal taunted, holding the gun to the girl's head.
   He untied her, still threatening. She asked him for the sheet of paper with the symbols on it before backing away from the window. At one point she raised her head to indicate the bags above her head. The men went to take them down to check the contents. Three bags, all filled with coins. They talked amongst themselves.
   -Now we can take care of you! announced the bearded man, ordering Yoko to come closer.
   -Except that we've told the police! she announced, still feeling sick to her stomach.
   -Are you trying to bluff us to save time? Laughed the man
   -Mmmh... Not really... and here, you won't be able to escape!
   She ran off, to the amazement of the two young boys who were still tied up. The police arrived at the same time, and neutralised the three men.
   When Yoko returned that evening, she was scolded by Ran. She'd been worried when she didn't come home and asked where her glasses had gone. So she had to explain everything.

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