Chapter 85 - Haido City Hotel

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   Agasa's car stopped in front of the hotel where a murder had been planned. The three children in the vehicle got out. Ai had decided to follow Conan and Yoko after the detective had mentioned the apotoxin.
   -Be careful! said the teacher.
   The girl in glasses was the only one to wave her arm to indicate that she had heard.
   I need to relax a bit...
   She was a bit stressed.

   -I thought you weren't interested... Conan sighed at Ai.
   -I've got no choice... I'm the one who created the medicine. I'm sick and tired of you calling me a murderer...
   -Say... Could we hurry up and get in... ?
   Because it's cold... And it's snowing...
   The young boy nodded before entering the hotel cautiously.
   -Haibara, be careful... they must suspect that whoever planted the bug will come here... If they make a connection with you...

   Yoko ignored the rest of the conversation and approached a door. On the side was a sign indicating that it was a farewell party.
   Conan had mentioned that it was a farewell party... I think this is it...
   -Yoko wait!
   The boy moved closer as his sister opened the door. There were lots of people in the room.
   -What do we do with all these people? she asked.
   The boy in glasses stepped forward, the former member of the organisation behind him.
   They're all in black... It's going to be impossible to find out who this Pisco is...
   -... Where's Haibara? the former schoolgirl suddenly asked.

   The detective turned to look for her. He found her accompanied by a lady.
   -Are you all right, Haibara? Yoko asked after Conan noticed her.
   -What's happened to you? This isn't like you...
   -... I had a dream... More like a nightmare... On the way home from school, they noticed us and took us to a dead end... And they started shooting at you, Kudo-kun... with the thud of a gun... Then everyone in turn just because you'd had contact with me...Perhaps it would have been easier for me to perish in that gas chamber...
   The brown-eyed girl sighed before smiling.
   -It was just a nightmare... we're not at a dead end and we're not with children... And if anything happens to you, we're here to protect you! I promise!
   Conan took off his glasses and put them on the redhead's nose.

   The three children continued to look for the famous Pisco.
   -There are only familiar faces... sighed Ai.
   -Can we really get away with this? Yoko wanted to be sure.
   -I already know who their target is... Gin said he'd arrive at six o'clock and that it was someone who was likely to be arrested by the police. There's only this man surrounded by journalists...
   The man in question was a politician who had to be killed before being arrested by the police.
   So now is the time for Pisco to act...

   Someone arrived with a spotlight and the lights went out, plunging the room into darkness.
   -He's... He's disappeared! remarked the redhead.
   -Yoko, look on the other side of the room! Haibara, stay close to me!
   The two girls nodded. The brunette began to search, weaving in and out of the crowd.
   It's not going to be easy... Will it?! A flash?

   A short light had appeared between the crowd. Just after, a slight noise, followed by a bigger one. The sound of a heavy object crashing to the ground. Yoko felt the air caused by it, as well as a piece of debris scraping her face.
   It was close...
   She heard someone order the lights back on, over the din of worry and incomprehension of the people around her. When the room was lit up, the young girl stepped back, to the horrified cries of some people. The man the children had been looking for was under the chandelier, in a pool of blood.

Detective Yoko - The White Dove 『Detective Conan』Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora