Chapter 2 - Men in Black

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   The white hire car was driving quite fast, towards Tropical Land.
   Kyoka was busy taking photos, making sure they weren't out of focus - even if she wasn't always successful. She was half-tired and yawning quite regularly. Yosuke grabbed her camera.
   -This is for yesterday!
   -Give it back to me! Right now!
   -What are you going to do? Run away? Kill me? I'm not giving it back!

   Yosuke opened the window and pretended to throw the camera out. Kyoka kicked back.
   -I promised you... If you throw it away, you'll have me to deal with!
   -Well then, give me a bit of attention, instead of being constantly on your thing!

   Another kick, this time hitting the brother in the face. Their mother turned to shout at them. She grabbed the camera.
   -If you don't calm down, we'll go back! Do you really want to spend the whole day locked up in a hotel?!
   -But- He started it! I was just taking a few pictures!
   -You're too much on it anyway! Kyoka's brother sneered.
   She stuck her head against the car window and pretended to sulk.

   The car stopped in a parking space. Kyoka immediately got out of the car and made sure her brother couldn't get out by sticking herself to the door. Yosuke banged on the window and forced the door open.
   -I'll let you out if you let me choose the order of the attractions!
   -That's a promise!
   She opened the door for him. The parents looked at them, Asahi sighing.

   The brother and sister could go wherever they wanted as long as they stayed in the park.
   It was after retrieving her camera that Kyoka led Yosuke towards the thrill rides.

   In the middle of the day, they took a break to have a drink. Kyoka had gone to get some drinks. She'd had fun shaking her brother's soda, but he'd suspected it and opened it as far away from the can as possible.
   It's a shame, the photo could have been really cool...

   Night fell quickly. After a lot of hanging around the attractions, the two got ready to go home. Yosuke quickly pulled his sister back, too focused on her camera, so that she wouldn't be jostled.
   -Idiot! What do you want?!
   -You were about to get pushed around by that guy over there! How stupid can you be?
   She looked in the direction indicated.
   This person...
   It was a golden opportunity to take a photo...

   Kyoka started running.
   -Go to the car! I've got a few things to sort out, then I'll join you!
   Before her brother could ask her anything, she had disappeared.
   -Seriously... is she just leaving?
   Yosuke kicked a stone before heading for the park exit.

   The boy Kyoka had been following was standing against a wall, looking like he was watching something. When he approached discreetly, she was filled with joy. She recognised the person she'd seen in the newspapers so many times: the high school detective, Kudo Shinichi.

   She wanted to ask him to take a photo with him, but he seemed to be concentrating on what he was observing.
   Kyoka felt uneasy, but instead of leaving the detective alone and avoiding trouble, she simply crouched down beside him and handed him her camera. He was startled, but the young girl gestured to him not to say anything. Shinichi took the camera before using it.

   The two people were so focused on what was happening, a transaction between a guy in black and another person, that they paid no attention to the person approaching from behind, silently. A person dressed in black, with long silver hair.
   -So, you play detectives!
   He hit Shinichi first, before he could turn around, and did the same to Kyoka. Both ended up on the ground.
   -It can't be true, being followed by kids!

   Kyoka did her best not to lose consciousness. She could barely understand their conversation. They were talking about a poison. Unfortunately, she couldn't understand anything as she fainted.

   One of the men took her by the hair to straighten her head. From a small box he took out something white and red, like medicine. He put it in her mouth before forcing her to drink some water. Finally, he released her, and Kyoka's head hit the floor.
   A horrible pain swept through the young girl, who was half-conscious because of the pain. Her whole body was burning.
   No... I'm not going to die?! Why... and... this schoolbo...
   Then nothing.

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