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Don't worry, this is the only author's note in the book.

I'm just here to inform you that The White Dove will not be continued.

Why not?
This book was written between May 2021 and May 2022. Scenaristically I had nothing but canon stuff to follow, with no real change and Yoko doesn't really have a personality of her own.

So I stopped Crossroad to write my current fanfic:

Account: _4869Ai_

However, if you wish, you can use the ideas or even what I had written to make your own version of your fanfic.
( If you don't have an idea and want to write it's always useful )

If you want other fanfic ideas, don't hesitate to contact me ( on _4869Ai_ I'm more likely to answer )

Well I'm talking too much, I'll leave you there

Thank you for reading

Detective Yoko - The White Dove 『Detective Conan』Where stories live. Discover now