Chapter 114 - Narrowly Saved

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   Yoko, Conan, Kogoro and Ran were at Saori's father's house. They'd managed to get in thanks to her friend, Rokuro.
   Is it right to go through people's things?
   The bespectacled girl sighed as she watched her brother rummage through Saori's bag.
   -Tablets for the headache, toothpaste, a change of clothes... listed the young boy. 
   -It's her travel kit... Well, as she always went to Kimie's, apparently she left a change of clothes and a pair of glasses there. Explained the man.
   -So it's possible that Kimie herself put on the clothes and glasses she was wearing when her body was found! said the former schoolboy.
   What's he getting at? ? Wait a minute, what if... What if...

   The girl with the big brown eyes started to think but was cut off by Kogoro who had asked a question.
   -Idiot! Why would she do that?
   -To fool the criminal...
   To fool the criminal?
   -Conan, you mean the criminal would have mistaken her for Saori-san because Kimie-san would have wanted her and killed her?
   Yoko had finally spoken, before realising it was a bit stupid.
   -I'll... I'll be right back...
  Before leaving, the kid in glasses asked where the toilets were. She splashed some water on her face.
   I'm really stupid sometimes... I should learn to keep my mouth shut...
   She let out a sigh.

   Several minutes had passed. Kogoro, or rather Conan, had called the islanders to reveal the truth behind the investigation. Everyone gathered in the sanctuary. Yoko was behind the detective in case the former high school student needed her.
   -Mouri-tantei! Here's the man you asked us to arrest! We found him in the mountains... Are you going to explain? Are we going to see the famous 'Nemuri no' show? announced a policeman.
   -But I don't see the young boy from Osaka? He should have been with you, shouldn't he? asked Kogoro.
   -We didn't see him after we entered the forest...
   Could this idiot have got lost? Or he risked his life again... In any case...
   -I'm going to look for him! Yoko whispered.
   -Huh?! A... Wait!
   Conan didn't have time to stop his sister before she was already gone.

   As soon as she was outside, the former schoolgirl headed for the forest. As she ran, she called out to Heiji, hoping for a quick answer.
   What's that idiot doing?!
   She kept running, still calling out to the high-schooler from the west. Suddenly, she tripped over something.
   Luckily she didn't fall and took the time to look at what was lying on the ground. A sign reading "Danger: precipice beyond this area".
   -Heiji-niichan! called the young girl.
   -O... Oe! Over here!
   The boy's voice rang out. It came from the precipice in question.

   The former schoolgirl approached it and leaned over cautiously. Heiji was standing there, holding a branch in one hand and Kazuha in the other.
   -Heiji-niichan! Kazuha-neechan! Hold on a little longer, I'm going to get a rope!
   She turned and headed for the shrine. Without explaining the situation, she ordered a long rope and, if possible, a ladder. Her rather stern and urgent tone ensured that she was listened to.

   Once she had been given what she wanted, she returned to the forest. She tied one end of the rope to the tree closest to the precipice and sat down on the ground so as not to fall.
   Make it work!
   Yoko checked the solidity of her knot and hooked the rope and wooden ladder to the other end, tying a new knot around the tree and sending it off. Heiji pulled Kazuha up a little so that she could grab the ladder, and then he too could climb up.
   -Thank goodness... You're all right! Yoko sighed in relief.
   -Thanks for your help. And the investigation?... Where is it... ? asked the detective.
   The young girl explained where it had taken place, while recovering what had been lent to her.
   -Kazuha fell asleep... remarked the little girl.
   Indeed, the schoolgirl had fallen asleep against a tree.

   -Ugh... I'll have to carry her...
   -You go ahead, I'll try to untie the knots and then I'll come...
   The high school student nodded and took her friend on her shoulders. Once alone, Yoko let out a long sigh.
   -If I'm not mistaken, Watson in Sherlock Holmes is a doctor? Maybe I'm him for Conan. Seeing as I treat the others...
   She gave a little laugh.
   -... I'd ask him how he sees me... Because if I'm his slave... I dream of too much...
   She managed to untie one of the knots and sighed again. Once the other had been untied, she returned to the sanctuary.

Detective Yoko - The White Dove 『Detective Conan』Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat