Chapter 47 - Doubt

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   The fire was out. Yoko remained at the entrance to the garage, fearing for her. And her fears were real. Ayako was found in the burning car.
   I feel useless...
   Ran had tears in his eyes at this discovery. And the rest of the members present almost suspected each other.
   -The owner! He led us to believe he was dead, but if he's still alive then everything makes sense!

   Following these words from one of the residents, Heiji and Conan confirmed that it was indeed the owner.

   With the atmosphere tense in the wake of these events, everyone headed home. Yoko was trailing behind the group. She turned round, checking that her "brother" was following.
   What's he talking about... with that other detective... ?
   She looked at Heiji, wary, before turning back.

   -I hope he has no doubts, that detective from Kansai...
   Yoko had gone into the bathroom to freshen up her face. Two murders had taken place in a short space of time. Although she was more or less used to it with time, she was still having trouble. What's more, this time there had been explosions. She couldn't stop thinking about Tequila.
   But something else was bothering her. When she had looked at Heiji, he had taken on a strange expression while Conan had been talking and thinking about the investigation. She had watched the two boys' expressions to understand that, and since she knew Conan, it was easier for her to know what he was thinking from his gestures.
   -I think I'm thinking too much...
   The young girl grabbed a towel to wipe her face. She put her locks back in place before looking at the mirror for a few minutes.
   -I shouldn't think so much...
   She smiled to herself before leaving the bathroom.

   The brown-haired girl turned the doorknob.
   -It's with detectives like you and sounds like that that cases remain unsolved!
   The Kansai accent was the first voice she heard. The atmosphere still seemed tense. Yoko closed the door before approaching Ran and Heiji.
   -This is too loud! My father always gets to the truth in the end!
   Ran! Don't say any more!

   The former schoolgirl sighed as the latter explained how things worked. The western detective asked her where Conan was every time.
   -Kogoro-ojisan always asks us to help him, so we stay close by! interjected the girl with the glasses
   -Oooh? So you're helping him?
   He doesn't believe me haha...
   -Yes! We enjoy playing detective... replied the rejuvenated detective, carried by Heiji
   We're doomed...

   Yoko laughed nervously. Suddenly the lights went out, plunging the whole room into darkness. One of the people lit his lighter, providing a weak source of light. The young girl still couldn't see anything. She took a few steps back, feeling something cold on her back. The glass. There was a howl, then the shattering of glass. Someone broke the window next to hers. The brunette stretched out her arm to see if she could catch someone. But she slipped and fell. The lights came back on at the same moment.
   That'll teach me to try and catch the culprit...

   Yoko got to her feet and looked around. Conan and Heiji were on the ground, the person who had lit his lighter injured. He had an ice pick in his arm.
   -Aaah?! Fujisawa-san has just been stabbed! shouted a woman
   -I'm going to treat him! Bring some bandages and disinfectant! ordered Yoko.
   Conan approached her while someone went to fetch a first-aid kit.
   -And then you tell me it's up to me to be careful...
   -I'm sorry... but we can't leave him in this state...
   A seven-year-old isn't supposed to know how to look after people...
   -Like how to solve a case! Right, well... You should know that my father taught me how to apply first aid...

Detective Yoko - The White Dove 『Detective Conan』Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat