Chapter 88 - The Warehouse

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   Maybe I shouldn't have rushed in without thinking...
   Yoko scratched the back of her head, unsure of what to do.
   After Conan had managed to make contact with Ai, the young girl had run out of the car and into the hotel. Then she remembered that she had no idea where her friend was or if she was even still in the hotel.
   My mobile!
   She felt her phone vibrate. Her brother had just sent her a message.
"Ask if there's a wine cellar."
   He could at least explain the situation to me...

   The former schoolgirl took the time to think for a few moments. If he had asked that, it was certainly because the former member of the organisation was still in the hotel.
   -I beg your pardon...
   She put on a childish voice to make her request.
   -Would there be a wine cellar or something similar? I was playing hide and seek with my friend and I can't find her...
   -A wine cellar? I don't think there is one... replied the lady.
Yoko sighed.
   -Maybe your friend is hiding in the room that serves as a warehouse... thought the first woman's colleague aloud.
   A warehouse?
   -Where is it?
   -In the old wing, which I think is about to be repaired...
   The girl in glasses thanked the two ladies and moved away from the reception desk.
   Shall I tell Conan... ?
   She looked at her phone before deciding that she didn't need to. He was certainly busy with Ai.

   -I think it's the...
   Yoko looked at the door in front of her. She'd had trouble finding it because of the few other doors she'd taken the time to open to look.
   Just as she was about to open the one in front of her, the young girl heard footsteps approaching. She reflexively turned her head behind her before tensing up. Two black figures, the same one she'd seen earlier in the day, were approaching her and, more importantly, the door.
   The former schoolgirl stepped back, hiding where she could. Her heart was beating a thousand miles an hour.
   But if they're there... Haibara?! She'll... no... Conan must have seen them and she could have hidden... but if not... Shit! Calm the fuck down! You can't think in these conditions... I mustn't let him be spotted in the first place...

   Gin and Vodka stood in front of the door. The girl in glasses was holding her breath, not moving. The man in the black glasses took out his pistol and shot the bolt, opening the door.
   -What's this? That's strange... Pisco isn't here... Vodka observed
   And Haibara?
   Yoko stood still, listening to the two men. She couldn't risk moving, in case the grey-haired man discovered her hiding place.
   -There's been no word from him since the last phone call... His computer's here but he's not...
   -Anyway, we'd better get out of this hotel as quickly as possible.
   -Yes, you're right...
   Isn't she here?
   The two members of the organisation left the room before starting to walk away.
   Should I follow them or not?

   The former schoolgirl emerged from her hiding place and began to follow the two men. She knew she had to remain cautious, distant and above all discreet. She just couldn't let them out of her sight.
   Are they really going to leave when they don't know where Haibara or Pisco are? It all sounds a bit far-fetched...
   The young girl was reassured that those she was following would not spot her. She didn't know whether this was due to her distance and discretion or pure luck.
   Gin and Vodka arrived in the hall. But they didn't head for the exit.
   I was right!
   Where the two men were going was somewhere else.

Detective Yoko - The White Dove 『Detective Conan』حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن