Chapter 57 - A concert like no other

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The flames were getting more and more intense. The three people tried to break down the door. But it wouldn't give way. Yoko tried to kick it open, but it didn't work. She had hurt herself more than anything else. The young girl started coughing because of the thick smoke. She braced herself to avoid it as much as possible.
Shit... I've got to warn Conan!
She looked around, and spotted the earring in Minami's ear.
If she tells the police...
-Takayama-san! ... When I've called Conan... could you call... the criminals? cried the young girl, coughing all the while.
The woman nodded. Yoko reached into her pocket for her phone and searched her contacts. She found the number of the rejuvenated detective. She'd picked it up after retrieving her phone from his house.
-Yoko? Where are you?"
-Lo... locked in a burning warehouse... can you... locate my phone right away... with the police?
-A warehouse? And the police are already trying to trace the call! Tell me what you remember of the way! I'll be with you as soon as I can".

The girl described the route, coughing all the while. She could hear the sound of the boy's skateboard. Minami had called the criminals using her colleague's number. The kidnappers had kept one of her phones.
-You... shouldn't be too far... If you see...
Shit, man... I can't see any more...
Yoko began to lose consciousness as the door opened. The person who had locked them in was standing there. The group stood to the side of the door. The criminal began to focus on the burning room, checking to see if they had left. He finally turned around, with an angry step, before suddenly collapsing. Yoko stood up, looking at the other side of the door. Conan had just put the man to sleep.

The police arrived shortly afterwards. They arrested the kidnappers and took the Two-Mix to the concert hall, accompanied by Yoko, Conan, Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko.
When they arrived, the audience could be heard booing.
-The audience are getting impatient...
-We're going to change! Wait for us at the corner of the stage! I'll introduce you to everyone afterwards! Minami announced with a wink as she walked away.
Yoko crossed her arms behind her head as she heard the three children talking. Then they entered a room containing all the staff and equipment.

-Where's backstage, please? asked Conan.
At first glance it looks like it there...
-Who's this?
-It was Takayama-san who asked us to come... explained the kid in glasses.
Like the three children, the young girl was looking all around her. It was her first time backstage.
Genta turned on the music to the panic of the team. And Conan asked for the words to the song, grabbing a microphone.
You've got to be kidding me. He's not going to sing!

Yoko rushed to take the microphone away from him and he began to sing. The girl in glasses covered her ears. The former schoolboy couldn't sing at all. And the audience booed louder and louder. Fortunately, Minami arrived just in time to take the boy's place, and she led the children on stage.
The former high school student sang, feeling uncomfortable in front of such a crowd. But little by little, she began to feel at ease. She didn't sing that well, but it was better than Conan.

The concert drew to a close. The Detective Boys had gone backstage with the Two-Mix. They had signed their autographs. Yoko asked if they could all take a photo together. And so they did.

The next day, Conan took Ran and Sonoko to karaoke. Yoko didn't come, not wanting to hear the boy sing. She preferred to sing in Ran's room, the song Minami had given them. She did this while looking at the group photo.

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