Chapter 91 - Camping

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Yoko kept an eye on Ran's behaviour until the weekend. She couldn't do much more as she was accompanying Agasa and her primary school friends to the campsite. The children were singing happily.
I hope Hakase hasn't forgotten the tents this time... I don't want to end up in a strange castle again...
The young girl was caught between Ayumi and Conan. She was relieved when the young detective got up to speak to the teacher.
It's so tight in the back of this car... He can't get another car...
-Say, Hakase... about the discussion about Ran last time... Couldn't you build me something a bit special? asked the boy
-A gadget... yes, but what...?
-I don't know... a robot that moves and talks like me...
-If I knew how to make something like that, I'd probably be a multi-billionaire by now!
Aren't you a genius inventor?
The girl with the glasses stopped herself from laughing.

The car stopped and the children got out. They all helped to build the tent.
-I'll take care of lighting the fire with Ai-kun. The rest of you, go and get something to feed it. ordered Agasa.
-Can I stay with you? asked Yoko.
-Oh well... if you like...
The young girl approached the man and her friend while the other children left for the forest.
-Where do we start? asked the girl with the glasses.
The teacher asked her to go and get everything she needed to make the meal. In the meantime, he would set the table.

So Yoko went off, bringing back a casserole dish and knives. Ai brought the vegetables and the chopping board. The two children began to peel and cut the food.
-I didn't know you could cook... the redhead almost laughed.
-Hehe! My adoptive parents run an inn there... I had to help them out... I admit I'm not that keen on cooking, but...
-So why didn't you go with Kudo-kun to collect some wood?
-That's even worse... and there are four of them... You only have to say if my presence bothers you...
The former member of the organisation simply shrugged her shoulders with a slight smile.

Several dozen minutes passed. Night was beginning to fall. Genta, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Conan still hadn't returned.
Haven't they finished getting wood?
Yoko sighed as she finished cutting her potato. Agasa had already been worried about the children's absence, but Ai had reassured her that the group was out exploring.
-I'll try to contact Conan. announced the girl in glasses.
She put down what she was holding and went to her bag. She grabbed her badge and tried to call the detective, but there was no answer.
This isn't like him...
-... I'm going for a walk in the woods. Ai decided.
-I'll come with you!
The former high school student followed her.
-Wait, Ai-kun, Yoko-kun!
Agasa followed the two girls who didn't wait for her.
-Conan! Ayumi-chan! Genta-kun! Mitsuhiko-kun! called the brunette.
The redhead was content to look around her. Suddenly, she bent down.
-Did you find anything?

Yoko moved closer to Ai. There were four piles of wood on the ground, facing a cave.
-So they could have entered this cavern..." worried the teacher.
-We don't have ten thousand ways of finding out!
The girl with the glasses was the first to enter, followed by her friend, who illuminated the cave. Looking around a bit, the two girls found a pair of glasses.
-They're Kudo-kun's... ?
Looks like it...
Yoko grabbed Ai's watch and looked around. She found a dark mark on the rock.
It was...
As the former member of the organisation ordered her not to touch the transmitters around them, the young girl approached the spot which, when illuminated, took on a bloody colour.
I hope that... !!

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