Chapter 119 - Arthur

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   Yoko was rubbing her head in the hair of the dog in the house where she was. Ayumi was having her face licked by the same dog.
   -It's a male Japanese dog, isn't it? Mitsuhiko confirmed.
   -What's his name? asked Genta.
   -Arthur! It comes from the other one of Sherlock Holmes, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle! replied the owner.
   -If he teamed up with Conan-kun, he could open the best detective agency in the world! Said the young girl in the headband cheerfully.
   -Oe oe... Me, with a dog?
   -What's the big deal? It's an idea from the mind of a nice girl! shouted the freckled boy.
   -You, really, you're never happy... grumbled the main guy.
   -Oe oe...
   -Don't antagonise Ayumi's fanclub... And I think you'd make a great team with the dog! mocked the kid with glasses.
   -You're not going to add to it...
   -Ah and Genta... You're never happy except when you've got food... Added the former high school student.

   Before Genta could say anything, Agasa and Ai approached. That's when Arthur became aggressive, growling and barking at the new arrivals.
   -Arthur! That's enough of that! Arthur!
   Before his owner could grab him and try to calm him down, Yoko intervened. First she spoke in a rather strict tone, then more gently, in a reassuring voice, stroking the animal. Arthur calmed down, which surprised everyone.
   -I didn't know you knew how to handle animals! Ayumi exclaimed.
   -Didn't you? It was just a fluke... muttered the former schoolgirl.
   -Where did you learn to do that? asked Mitsuhiko.
   I can't tell them that I used this technique with Yosuke when he was little...

   She gave Conan a distressed look so that he would change the subject. He quickly understood the message and looked quickly at Agasa, before catching something on his clothes.
   -Say, hakase... By any chance, did you touch another dog before coming here? Maybe a male, even bigger than this dog...
   -Yes, I did. This morning Ai-kun and I met a friend of mine in the neighbourhood with his Doberman... How did you know? replied the man.
   -Firstly, there's hair on your trousers. Secondly, dogs use their sense of smell to find out the size and sex of another dog, and if they're both males and one is bigger than the other, the smaller one will consider it an enemy. By the way, you came to the gate the first time and had a little chat with Kano-san, who told you where to park, didn't he? As far as Arthur's concerned, you came back when his master had asked you to leave, and at the same time he took you for enemies of his master. Explained the kid with glasses.
   He even knows about animal behaviour... well...

   The children began to make fun of their friend, saying that the dog was as giddy as the detective.
   -Someone dangerous and special... Perhaps he felt that way about me, and rightly so...
   Ai put on a rather sad expression before walking away.
   -Haibara! called the two young students.
   How can we reassure her? She's been like this for days...

   Arthur's owner, Kano, invited the children to come in and get some things too. Yoko didn't go to look at the toys on a piece of furniture. She was more interested in something nearby. Another, smaller dog.
   If I'm not mistaken, it's a 'Papillon'...
   The young girl called him and took him in her arms.
   -All I'm taking to England is Arthur. As for my parents... Apart from Doyle, my mother's dog, I don't think there's anything else... Kano explained.
   -His name is Doyle... He's beautiful! Complimented the girl with the glasses as she put the animal down, which was soon surrounded by Mitsuhiko, Ayumi and Conan.
   -It's a "Papillon"! announced the freckled boy.
   -Arthur" "Doyle"... There must be a Conan somewhere, no? asked the boy with glasses.
   -Yes, there is. "Conan' was my father's dog, a German shepherd, but he died of an illness two years ago...
   -Anyway, we still have a 'Conan'! Says the girl in the headband cheerfully.
   -All he has to do now is turn into a dog and it would be perfect! Yoko laughed.
  She laughed mockingly before spotting Ai in a corner. She grabbed Doyle and approached the former member of the organisation to give him to her.

Detective Yoko - The White Dove 『Detective Conan』Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant