Chapter 34 - A Sick Detective

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   Kogoro, Ran, Conan and Yoko, accompanied by Hattori Heiji and a customer, entered the house. A man greeted the woman, who immediately asked where her husband was.

   Yoko took off her shoes and grabbed the slippers that were handed to her. She looked around before rejoining the group. She stood next to Conan, touching his forehead.
   -It's not getting any better! she whispered
   The young boy didn't reply. Like everyone else, he headed for the stairs.
   I'll end up telling Ran! It's even hotter than when we left!
   The young girl with her hair tied back went up the stairs.

   The customer knocked several times on a door, without any answer. Finally, she used her keys to enter the room where her husband was. It was an office, from which Yoko could hear music. She slipped between Ran and her father to enter, at the same time as Conan and the detective who was with them. It was an office, with the woman's husband asleep on the desk.
   Do you have to listen to music so loud?
   She allowed herself to turn it off. At the same moment, she was startled by a scream. She turned round, the man on the floor.

   The young girl moved towards Conan, who was heading towards the body. She stopped him immediately.
   -He's already dead... Heiji announced, taking the man's pulse.
The other members of the house were about to enter the room, but were stopped.

   -What are you doing, Conan? I take my eyes off you for a second and you investigate! Now's not the time, you idiot!
   The kid with the glasses was on his knees leaning over the body. His "sister" was standing right behind him, not very happy.
   -You should be resting!
   -Wait, I'm looking for something!
   The brown-eyed girl watched the former detective look for something on the ground. She was about to warn the other detective, but the two of them bumped heads together.
   Are all detectives stupid like that?
   Following this, Conan was scolded by Heiji.

   The girl headed for Ran. She wasn't going to let Conan get any worse.
   -Hm? What is it, Yoko-chan? replied the schoolgirl, coming up to the child's level.
   -Conan... he's not getting any better. His temperature's gone up.
   The Kogoro girl looked at Yoko, who put her hands in her pockets, before turning her gaze to Conan. The girl with the long hair stood up and went towards the boy.
   The girl with glasses looked away as she heard the police arrive. Then she turned her attention back to Ran, who was holding the former detective and asking for a room.

   Conan was placed in a bed, Ran beside him thanking the daughter of the victim's wife who had shown him the room.
   -Ran-neechan, if you want to go back to Kogoro-ojisan you want to! I'll keep an eye on him.
   -You don't mind, do you?
   After the schoolgirl had made sure Yoko wouldn't mind, she left the room.
   -Did you really have to say that? grumbled the sick man, coughing.
   -Yes! smiled Yoko. I warned you after all! Now look what I've got!

   She took out her badge, along with Conan's, from her pocket.
   -Why did you take them?!
   -Hehe! From the start I wanted to warn Ran that you weren't well. Since the lady was probably going to talk about important things with her husband, I thought it would be useful.
   You're really far-sighted...
   -You don't really know me either! Well, stay here, I'm going to help you! What do you want me to look for first?
   -I'd rather do it myself, but if I move you're going to get me into trouble...
   He sighed before looking at the girl with the glasses, who had a broad smile that showed she was proud of herself.
   -Something had caught my eye... on a shelf...

Detective Yoko - The White Dove 『Detective Conan』Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora