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Atlanta, GA - 2 months later (August)

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Atlanta, GA - 2 months later (August)

"HOME SWEET HOME!" I shouted as I plopped backwards onto my bed at my childhood home where I was living again.

"I'm glad to have you back baby." My grandma said hugging me.

"I'm happy to be back! I'm ready for some of that bomb ass food!! What's for dinner?"

Grandma laughed at my antics. "I'll make anything you want."

"Mmm that's what I'm talking about." I said rubbing my stomach.

"Where's Alexandra and my great grand baby?"

"Oh, they at Miss C's house. You know Alex miss her girls." I said rummaging through the fridge.

"Boy get yo' big greedy ass outta my fridge and go bring my grandbaby to me."

"Grandma just go to Carlotta's and see her."

"NO! I don't wanna see that white bitch."

"You talkin' 'bout Star?"

"Yeah. She think she black and the shit since she got with that white football player, Hunter, whatever his name is."

"Grandma, I can't tell you how to feel, but she's Alex's sister. Plus, with everything going on with Danielle, don't you think it's time to show love to one another?" I asked as I put my arm around her shoulder kissing her cheek.

"Boy shutup with all that foolishness." She fanned me off and I didn't argue anymore 'cause I knew it wasn't going anywhere.

"A'ight grams, I'm gonna take a quick nap before dinner."

"Ok, I'll fix your plate."

I went back to my room to nap, but I was horny and needed Alexandra, so I shot her a quick text.

I went back to my room to nap, but I was horny and needed Alexandra, so I shot her a quick text

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