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Alex POV

Derek got me fucked up... all the way! I am PISSED! The way he went against me, infuriated me! I left my cellphone at my place, so I used our house phone to keep calling him but he didn't answer.

"Alexandra, you need to calm down."

"Mom, how can I calm down when Derek and Joe are doing whatever to Cassius. I don't need my man going to prison for murder!"

"Alexandra calm down, for the baby's sake."

I sat down on the sofa, trying to control myself, but when I got mad, something just came over me.

"This boy has beaten you, he needs to be dealt with."

"Mom, there are other ways. He said he'd kill Derek if I came in contact with him. That's why I stayed away because I was protecting him."

"Well, now he's being the man and protecting you."

I looked my mother directly in her eyes and said with a stern voice, "If something happens to Derek, I will never forgive you."

I walked away and went to my old bedroom, I looked at the clock and it was 8:00p and I was sleepy, but also worried sick about Derek. I stayed in bed for about 20 more minutes, put on an all black jogger suit with my baseball cap and snuck out of the house.

 I stayed in bed for about 20 more minutes, put on an all black jogger suit with my baseball cap and snuck out of the house

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Derek's POV

The locks clicked and this motherfucker walked in here like he was the king of the palace.

"Alexandra!" He shouted. When he didn't get an answer, he shouted her name again.

"Alexandra!" I know this girl wasn't dumb enough to pack her shit and leave when I told her I'd kill that nigga if she saw or talked to him again.

This motherfucka had some nerve. I thought to myself.

"I told her not to leave, she's gonna be fuckin sorry!" He chucked his phone across the room, enraged.

Just then I appeared ready to rumble. He tried to reached for a knife from the kitchen drawer, but Joe stopped him.

Pointing the gun at Cassius' head, he said, "Don't even try it nigga! Sit yo' ass down!"

He sat at the kitchen bar, nervous, but trying to act tough.

I walked towards him ready to swing, but I wanted to hear him admit that he hurt Alexandra and threatened to kill me.

Seeming unbothered he asked, "What is this? A setup to kill me?"

"As bad as I would love for my bro to pull that trigger, it would be too easy.

He chuckled.

"Is something funny nigga?" I asked approaching him.

"Yes, you." His smiled disappeared and this evil look emerged. "If this gun wasn't pointed at my head, I'd kill you with my bare hands."

"Naw, I'ma kill you first with my bare hands for putting your hands on Alex. You could've killed her and our child. I promise you this, you'll never see or be near her again.

"Alexandra deserved every lick she got."

As soon as he said that, I charged at him, trying to break his jaw. His mouth instantly leaked blood.


Joe stood by the door, guarding it so that this bitch wouldn't try to escape. I continued punching and kicking him until he was coughing and gasping for air. I wanted to kill him. Then I heard Alex's voice.


Alex POV

I got back to my place as fast as I could and the damn elevator seemed to take forever to get to my floor. I could hear the banging inside my apartment from the outside of the door. When I got inside, I saw Derek damn near killing Cassius and Joe's big ass just sitting there watching.

"DEREK! STOP!" I screamed.

"Joe! Get Derek off of him! He's gonna kill him!" I demanded as I punched Joe in his arm.

Cassius could barely catch his breath and to be honest I didn't care. I wanted him to feel every ounce of pain that he caused me, physically and emotionally.

"Derek, baby, are you ok?"

"I'm good, Alex what are you doin' here?"

"I was worried sick when you weren't answering your phone. You could've been hurt."

Cassius spoke while still clutching his side from the hits he suffered from Derek.

"I'm damn near dead and all you can think about is his health? You bitch!"

Both Derek and Joe charged at him, but I jumped in the way, immediately halting them.

"STOP IT! I got this."

"That's right baby, let them know who you really love." Cassius said.

I punched him with all the strength I had. I didn't even know I had it in me, I guess from all the built up anger, came my unexpected strength. Just then, the cops came into my apartment and of course, Moses was right there with him. After all was said and done, Cassius was taken in handcuffs. Somehow, Moses got him charged with attempted murder and conspiracy to comitt murder.

"Take him outta' here." Moses said instructing the cops.

"Miss Crane, are you ok?"

"Yeah, he needs help. I'm just glad this is over." I turned around and hugged Derek tight.

"I'm moving here with you, Alexandra. I love you."

"Ok. I love you too." I didn't even fight him on his decision to move here with me because truth be told, I didn't wanna be alone.

Joe, along with his crew, cleaned up the mess. After Derek and I received medical attention, we took a nice, hot relaxing bath together and went to bed.


AN: next chapter comin at cha soon!🤘🏼DONT FORGET TO COMMENT + VOTE👌🏼🤘🏼🩷🌸💕

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