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I was over at the shop, deep into working on a car with Chuck

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I was over at the shop, deep into working on a car with Chuck. But I needed a breather, so I washed up and headed to my office for a quick drink of water and some paperwork catch-up.

"Chuck, I'll be back in a sec."

"Sure thing, boss."

*knock knock* In comes Cassandra.

"How's it going, Mr. Jones?" she asked, holding a file folder.

"I keep telling you to call me Derek, and I'm good. Thanks to your marketing skills, business is booming," I chuckled.

"Well, Derek, I'm just here to do a great job."

"I appreciate it. What do you need?" I couldn't help but notice a certain look in her eyes, but I wasn't interested. So, I cut to the chase.

"Oh! I-I'm sorry," she stammered, placing the file on my desk. "Here's the paperwork for you to sign off on for the bulk supply orders."

I went through everything quickly but thoroughly. You see, being with someone as savvy as Alex taught me to read everything before putting my name on it. "Alright, looks good. Make it a rush order."

"Will do," she said, spinning her pen and taking the folder.

As she started to leave, she hesitated and turned back to me. "Derek, mind if I ask you something?"

"Nope, go right ahead," I replied, busy with more paperwork, not making eye contact.

"How does my husband know your girlfriend so well?" That question stopped me in my tracks because I honestly had no clue beyond what Alexandra had shared with me.

"I guess they grew up together, but she never mentioned him before," I replied, my interest in the situation minimal.

"Hmm, that's interesting because I talked to Lance, and he told me that he had a major crush on her when they were younger, but she was too caught up in love with some dude named Cashmere."

Cashmere? I thought to myself, recalling Alexandra's painful stories about him and how he had shattered her heart. There was no way I was going to discuss Alex's past with Cassandra, so I decided to put an end to it.

"Listen, Cassandra, with all due respect, what goes on between me and my wife is none of your business. So, how about we both stay out of each other's personal affairs? Sound good?" I asked as I stood up, resting both fists on my desk.

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