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I was doing some shopping in one of my favorite boutiques for me and the baby, when Star facetimed me

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I was doing some shopping in one of my favorite boutiques for me and the baby, when Star facetimed me.

Me: "Star, what do you want?"

Star: "Ew, you're in a bad mood, I guess you ain't get none."

Me: "Haha, very funny Star. What do you want?"

Star: "I can't call to check on my favorite person and unborn niece or nephew?"

Me: "We're good, but I know you want something."

Star: "Ok, you got me. Listen, Carlotta hooked us up with a studio session with Noah Brooks!"

Me: *I rolled my eyes* "Oh, gosh. What does that have to do with me?"

Star: "We got this FIRE track that he wants to record solo with me, but I just know your vocals would MURDER it."

Me: "Star, I don't wanna sing, give it to Simone."

Star: Come onnn Alex, ok, let's make a deal. Just listen to the track, if you like, record the demo and send it back. If you really don't want it, I'll record it, but I think he's gonna want you on the song once you lay them down."

Me: "Ugh! Ok, fine, what's the name of it?"

Star: "It's called 'So Sick'."

Me: "What the hell is that about?"

Star: "It's about a couple in love, but the woman feels like her man just ain't doing enough, so she's sick of him and love."

Me: "Well, obviously that wouldn't be the right song for me because I'm madly in love and it's not one sided. I'll listen to it, send the lyrics over."

Star: "Already sent them, along with the track. Lemme know ya thoughts."

Me: "Will do, but I gotta go. Derek's calling me."

*End Facetime*

I found the cutest onesie that said "mommy & daddy's little princess," and I couldn't resist. As I walked to the register to pay, the cashier seemed starstruck.

"Oh my gosh! You're Alexandra Crane!"

"Yeah, that's me," I replied, feeling a bit annoyed.

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